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My Days with Grandma

Sept. 13, 2011 |   By Qingxin

(Clearwisdom.net) I'm a six-and-a-half-year-old practitioner, presently attending elementary school. Holding me, my Grandma, from my father's side, said the moment I was born, “You are such a lucky child. Since you were born into a Dafa practitioner's family, you must remember that Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance are good, and Teacher is good.” She kept repeating those phrases. Though I was a newborn, I seemed to understand her words and just listened with wide eyes, not crying a bit.

As I grew older, Grandma recited poems from Hong Yin to me and let me listen to Teacher's lectures. By the time I was two and a half years old, I could recite twenty some poems from Hong Yin and sing many songs written by practitioners.

When Grandma dropped me off and picked me up from kindergarten, she would tell the rickshaw drivers about Falun Dafa. Sometimes I would chime in as she handed out booklets. Once I sang, “Falun Dafa is good and righteous, and the Buddha-light illuminates everywhere,” while riding a rickshaw; the driver praised my singing. I asked Grandma for some paper money with messages about Dafa written on it and gave it to him. I said, “Make sure you often recite 'Falun Dafa is good,' then Teacher will protect you. He might even let you sit on a lotus flower!” The driver replied, “I will do that, my little friend.”

When I was around three or four years old, Grandma often took me to the park to distribute truth clarification booklets. I gave the kids and the grandmas little trinkets, and told them that reciting “Falun Dafa is good” would bring them blessings. Grandma used to tell me, “We are Dafa practitioners and Teacher will protect us. We must be righteous, but we also need to be aware and mindful of our own safety.” One time at the park, I saw two older ladies from a distance, talking to each other. Grandma said to me, “Let's go save them. Why don't you give them a booklet?” I walked toward the elderly ladies, and respectfully handed them the booklet and said, “I found this brochure and would like to give it to you. Please recite 'Falun Dafa is good' every day and you will gain health and blessings.” By then, Grandma had joined us and explained to them in depth about Dafa and the persecution. The two elderly ladies agreed to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations. After we left them, we ran into a woman and a child. I gave the woman a booklet and asked her to recite “Falun Dafa is good.” She took a look at the booklet and replied with a smile, “What a pretty girl you are.” I thanked her for the compliment.

One day, Grandma took me to my uncle's house. He lived in a large district with lots of pretty houses. Grandma prepared a large bag with truth clarification material to be distributed in the nearby area. We went out after dinner. Grandma kept talking to the booklets and I understood a little bit of what she said. But I did not know why she was talking to them. They are not human beings, so how could they understand what she said? I did not dare to ask because Grandma was pretty serious about it. We went from building to building to distribute the booklets; Grandma kept repeating, “The Fa will save predestined people.” I felt very happy after we were done distributing the material, and Grandma said what we did was something really great! I suddenly thought, “What if those who did not want to read the booklets threw them in the garbage can?” So I told Grandma, “Let's look into the trash can and see if anyone threw the booklets away. We can collect them and give them to other people.” Grandma reassured me, “Didn't you see me sending righteous thoughts and talking to the booklets? I made sure they will be read by predestined and good people.” I understood then that the booklets came to save people's lives and could understand a practitioner's words. How interesting!

Ever since then, I liked “doing work” with Grandma even more. We were very effective clarifying the truth together and saved many people. Grandma said, “We should not have an attachment to zealotry. We cannot be arrogant and must do better.”

My aunt and uncle had a baby boy when I turned four. Grandma had to leave me to take care of the baby boy. Thus my grandmother from my mother's side took care of me instead. She did not practice Falun Gong, so she did not read the Fa to me. I was very sad and cried many times. Sometimes when I sang songs written by practitioners, mommy, daddy, and grandmother would scare me by telling me that I would be arrested. I really missed Grandma back then. After a while, I was not able to recite Hong Yin every day and forgot many of the poems. But Grandma did not forget about me. She often called or came to visit me. She encouraged me to recite the Fa every day and said Teacher would be very sad if I didn't. Every time I thought of Teacher, I recited the poems and the phrases, “Falun Dafa is good!” “Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance are good!” and “Teacher is good!” Grandma taught me to follow the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance to conduct myself well and treat my classmates with kindness. She also told me to not care about losing and not to be competitive. I have behaved myself accordingly in my dance class the last few years, and that is why the teachers and my classmates have liked me.

When I was in first grade, I silently recited “eliminate the CCP” and did not sing the flag song during the flag raising ceremonies. I did well in school and maintained good grades. According to my teacher, I was rated a good student all year round.

It is summer now, and I can spend time with Grandma and my little cousin. He is very cute and well-behaved. As soon as my uncle and auntie leave for work, the first thing we do is wash our hands and burn incense to pay Teacher respect. After that we watch the Shen Yun DVD, “Celestial Melody,” and other Dafa DVDs. My little cousin and I love to see Teacher. We clap every time we see Him on the DVDs. Sometimes we are so happy that we cannot stop dancing. Although my little cousin is only two and a half, he can recite more Hong Yin poems than I can. He is very smart and can sing several songs from Shen Yun. In addition, he helps Grandma distribute truth clarification materials. In order to watch Teacher's lectures in the afternoon, I do my homework while uncle and auntie are taking a nap. My little cousin does not take afternoon naps and still has the energy to watch two lectures from Teacher and other DVDs. Although I don't get to spend much time with Grandma in the summer, I still feel very blessed. I'm so happy when I'm with Grandma!