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Deng Fangchen Detained in Brainwashing Center in Guangzhou for 1.5 Years

Sept. 13, 2011 |   By a Clearwisdom correspondent from Guangzhou City

Name: Deng Fangchen (邓芳郴)
Gender: Female
Age: 35
Address: Baiyun District, Guangzhou City
Occupation: Self-employed businesswoman
Date of Most Recent Arrest:
January 13, 2010
Most Recent Place of Detention:
Guangzhou Brainwashing Center (广州洗脑班)
City: Guangzhou
Persecution Suffered:
Detention, business shut down, brainwashing, damaging force-feeding, denial of washing face and brushing teeth, denial of visitation.

(Clearwisdom.net) Deng Fangchen, a Falun Gong practitioner, was arrested on January 13, 2010. Since then, she has been detained at the Guangzhou Brainwashing Center, where she has been force-fed and tortured.

Ms. Deng, from Hunan Province, became a Falun Gong practitioner in 2004. She followed the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, and always held herself to high moral standards.

Ms. Deng owns a leather furniture design business in Baiyun District in Guangdong. On the afternoon of January 13, 2010, she received a phone call from the Haizhu District Residential Committee, who deceived her into returning to her shop. She was taken into custody for “purchasing tickets for the Shen Yun performance in Hong Kong.” The staff from the Residential Committee told her husband and brother that they would release her as soon as “things are cleared up.” She was taken to a detention center, and later transferred in secret to Guangzhou Brainwashing Center. The staff from the Residential Committee searched her bags and shop, and found Falun Gong materials. Soon afterward, the 610 Office of Haizhu District shut down her shop and forbid the landlord from continuing to lease to her. Her brother, who ran the shop with her, thus also lost his job.

Torture re-enactment: brutal force-feeding

At the brainwashing center, Deng refused to give up her faith and went on a hunger strike to protest her treatment. The staff at the brainwashing center tied her to a chair and poked a tube down her nose. They frequently force-fed her and forced her to urinate and defecate while on video. She was not allowed to wash herself or brush her teeth for a very long time. They hoped such humiliation and torture would make her give up her faith. When her brother came to give her clothes, the brainwashing center refused to let him see her.


Leaders of Guangzhou Brainwashing Center: Pan Jinhua (male), +86-20-81730648; Hua Shaoxia
Guards: Zhou Jing and Tian Lihui
Domestic Security Office of Haizhu District