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Ms. Chen Min Severely Persecuted at Harbin Women's Forced Labor Camp

Sept. 30, 2011 |   By a Clearwisdom correspondent from Heilongjiang Province

Name: Chen Min (陈敏)
Gender: Female
Age: 39
Address: Mishan City, Heilongjiang Province
Occupation: Unknown
Date of Most Recent Arrest: Unknown
Most Recent Place of Detention: Harbin Women's Rehabilitation Labor Camp (哈尔滨女子戒毒劳教所)
City: Harbin
Province: Heilongjiang
Persecution Suffered: Sleep deprivation, forced labor, illegal sentencing, imprisonment, solitary confinement, physical restraint, denial of restroom use

(Clearwisdom.net) Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Chen Min, 39, was sentenced to forced labor for one and a half years by CCP authorities, for distributing truth-clarifying materials. She has suffered severe persecution since being taken to Harbin Women's Rehabilitation Labor Camp.

Before Ms. Chen started practicing Falun Gong, she had several severe illnesses, the most serious of which was heart disease. Shortly after she began practicing, she regained her health. However, under the high pressure environment and severe mental and physical persecution, after she was put into the forced labor camp, her health worsened every day. She had several heart attacks, she lost consciousness, and had to inhale oxygen.

Shortly after she was taken to the labor camp, the guards locked her up in a solitary confinement cell and forced her to sit on a small stool for prolonged periods of time. She was forced to get up before 5:00 a.m. and not allowed to go to bed before 10:00 p.m. She was forced to do slave labor. Because she persisted in her belief, in March 2011, labor camp officials extended Ms. Chen's sentence by one month, as well as the sentences of practitioners Liu Shaohua, Zhang Linwen, and Zhang Shuying.

One day in June 2011, political head Liu Ming ordered Ms. Chen to come to her office, where she made Ms. Chen stand until midnight. Later, when Ms. Chen had a heart attack and fell to the ground, Liu didn't allow her to stand up, and forced her to lie on the floor for two weeks. Liu specifically arranged people to monitor Ms. Chen and didn't allow her to move. If she moved even a little bit, she was verbally abused. During that period time, her diet was very limited and she was given only two meals each day. Each meal included only half of a steamed bun and a cup of salt water. Her use of the restroom was limited as well.

Ms. Chen lost consciousness and fell on her way upstairs at 9:30 a.m. on the morning of August 18, 2011, so the inmates immediately carried her to a nearby cell. But when team leader Wang Dan came, she scolded the inmates and told them to leave.

Torture re-enactment: Sitting on a small stool

Ms. Chen is still being strictly monitored. She is forced to sit on a small stool every morning. Because of hemorrhoids she developed in the labor camp, she is suffering and in a lot of pain. During the daytime, she is forced to do slave labor. She is not allowed to sleep if she doesn't finish the assigned workload. The Harbin Women's Rehabilitation Labor Camp has extended her sentence by three months without a valid reason.