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Chinese Citizens Are Standing Up to Protect Dafa Practitioners

Jan. 11, 2012


Villagers Hinder Police in Their Attempt to Arrest Dafa Practitioners

On August 31, 2011, several plainclothes police officers forced their way into the home of Mr. Jiang Yongguang. They physically assaulted Mr. Jiang as he tried to prevent the arrest of his wife, a Falun Dafa practitioner. Mr. Jiang's eyes were severely bruised in the assault.

The villagers witnessed the evil behavior of the police and helped Mr. Jiang in his efforts to stop them. The police realized it would not be a good idea to stay there, so they arrested Mrs. Jiang and sped away in their vehicle. The villagers followed them shouting, “Stop the car! Stop the car! Don't let them go!” Mr. Jiang Yong heard the villagers' shouts and put a ladder in the road to try to block the car. Unfortunately, he was not successful.

Later, several police cars came to the village and arrested six to seven villagers. They extorted as much as 5,000 to 10,000 yuan from some of the villagers. Mr. Jiang Yong had 5,000 yuan extorted from him. The villagers said that the police who made the arrests did not even wear uniforms when arresting Dafa practitioners. It is obvious that they were trying to conceal their evil deeds. No matter how many Falun Dafa practitioners the CCP arrests and tortures, people can distinguish what is good or bad. Thus, they took the risk to help the practitioners. Although the CCP has money and power, they do not enjoy popular support.

A Security Director Makes a Righteous Decision after Learning the Truth

A security director in my village warned me that agents from the 610 Office and community members would come to ask me if I still practiced Falun Dafa. He said, “You will be okay, as long as you say you will not practice Falun Dafa anymore. I am telling you this now so that you will be prepared.” I told him, “Thank you. I will not welcome them into my home. However, the truth is that practicing Falun Dafa is legal in China. We are not doing anything wrong. We don't steal or behave unethically. We study the Fa to be a good person. You know that. They don't want to allow us to be good people? That does not make any sense. Five years ago, they visited me under the guise of being my friend and did not identify themselves as 610 Office agents. They took away my computer and printer and haven't returned them yet. Now they want to disturb me again! They don't want me to live in peace.” The security director replied, “We all know that. Okay, here is what we will do. You can stay home or not and let me deal with them.” I immediately discussed the situation with my father-in-law. We then studied the Fa and sent righteous thought to eliminate attachments around us. The situation was shortly resolved without any problems!