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Nanjing City 610 Office Agents Alternately Use Brainwashing and Forced Labor to Persecute Innocent People

Jan. 22, 2012 |   By a Clearwisdom correspondent in Jiangsu Province, China

(Clearwisdom.net) Brainwashing centers are criminal places where 610 Office agents detain Falun Gong practitioners and use different tactics in attempts to force them to be “transformed.” They restrict practitioners' freedom—from several months to several years. In a completely enclosed and narrow space, the practitioners are subjected to physical abuse, torture, and mental torment.

Previously when practitioners were arrested, the 610 Office agents first held them in a brainwashing center. If they couldn't “transform” the practitioners, they were sent to a forced labor camp. If the practitioners hadn't been “transformed” before they were released from the camp, they were sent back to the brainwashing center.

Recently, after practitioners were arrested, Nanjing 610 Office agents first subjected them to forced labor and then sent them to a brainwashing center. The practitioners were released if they are “transformed.” Otherwise, the practitioners are sent to a forced labor camp. Such an approach makes the persecution more hidden and deceptive.

Attempting to Hide the Crimes Committed in Brainwashing Centers

Inside the 610 Office, those whose conscience and rationality have been awakened due to continued truth clarification efforts by practitioners have gradually realized that it is against the law to incarcerate people in brainwashing centers for their spiritual belief.

Nanjing 610 Office agents' newly-adopted tactic is to first subject practitioners to forced labor and then hold them in a brainwashing center. This is an attempt to avoid the illegality of the brainwashing center.

Adding to Practitioners' Mental Pressure

The 610 Office agents threaten and entice practitioners [into being "transformed"] by subject them to forced labor.

The forced labor sentence increases the pressure on the practitioners. If they want to be released, they have to have a further “understanding.” It is not enough to only write a guarantee statement to secure their release.

Covering up the Illegal Nature of the Communist Regime's Forced Labor System

The existence of the forced labor system enables the police to avoid following judicial procedures and to deprive citizens of their freedom for one to three years by subjecting them to forced labor.

It has been learned that there is a criterion within the forced labor system. Those who commit the same crime or mistakes shouldn't be subjected to unrestricted punishment and heavier penalties using forced labor.

Falun Gong practitioners are innocent, but many practitioners have been subjected to forced labor many times, with each time being more severe than the previous time. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) agents hold people for a long time in brainwashing facilities in the name of forced labor, in attempts to nullify the illegal nature of the regime's forced labor system.