(Clearwisdom.net) Agents from the 610 Office and the Domestic Security Division in Wuwei County, Anhui Province, have actively persecuted local Falun Gong practitioners since the persecution began in July 1999. Under their directive, the Wuwei TV Station recently broadcast a program claiming that Ms. Qian Jing, a retired employee from the Wuwei Pharmaceutical Company, became insane as a result of practicing Falun Gong.
The following facts, however, will set the record straight and show us clearly how Wuwei authorities framed and vilified Falun Gong practitioners without reservation.
Ms. Qian previously enjoyed a happy family life with her husband and son. She was employed at Wuwei Pharmaceutical Company, and her husband was a teacher at a local vocational school. After she began practicing Falun Gong in 1997 she became an even better and more compassionate person, worked hard at her job, and took good care of her in-laws at home.
The persecution of Falun Gong that started in 1999, however, meant endless hardship for Ms. Qian’s family. Agents from the local 610 Office, along with police, kept harassing her in an attempt to get her to give up cultivation.
Unable to bear the pressure, her husband, in-laws, and her own mother joined forces with the authorities. She stood firm to her belief, and her husband eventually divorced her. The court granted her husband full custody of their son and deprived her of any visitation rights. Her parents followed the 610 Office’s order and kept her under house arrest, forbidding her any contact with the outside world. The divorce and the isolation led her to develop a mental disorder, which was then used as an excuse for her parents, the 610 Office, and the Domestic Security Division to admit her to Chaohu Mental Hospital numerous times.
Given the fact that Ms. Qian has been kept isolated at home since 1999, any disorder she may have developed was a direct result of her persecution at the hands of Wuwei authorities. Below are listed the major perpetrators involved in her case.
Zhang Jibing (former deputy head of the political committee of Wuwei Police Department), Zhou Fengbiao (deputy head of Wuwei Police Department), He Zhongming (head of the Domestic Security Division), and Qian Jun and Wu Xiaoshu (both former heads of Quantang Town Police Station) were all involved. Huang Zhaoxue, Liu Yehong, and Wang Mingxin (all three from the Domestic Security Division) were especially cruel when it came to the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.
Shortly after July 1999, He Zhongming, Qian Jun, and Luo Yehong went to Beijing to arrest local practitioners who had gone there to appeal on behalf of Falun Gong. As of December 2011, eleven practitioners have been sent to forced labor camps, two people have died, and two others have developed mental disorders as a result of the persecution. More than 30 have been arrested at least once on various occasions, and more than 10 have been forced to live away from home to avoid further harassment. Numerous families have thus been fragmented.
With the support of Zhang Changgui (Quantang Town Party secretary) and Zhou Xiaotang (Quantang Town Political and Legal Committee secretary), Xia Chaohui (former deputy head of the Wuwei County Political and Legal Committee) and Zhou Fengbiao led their accomplices to raid Quantang Town practitioners’ homes. These raids took place in the middle of the night many times between 2002 and 2004. Each time there were 70 and 100 police officers as backups. They broke practitioners’ windows and climbed up to the roofs to arrest them. They took all of them to a brainwashing center, where the doors and windows were covered with metal bars, and guards patrolled around the clock. Three of the practitioners suffered greatly. One was later sent to a forced labor camp, and another was slammed to to the ground from inside a police vehicle. She was severely injured and became incontinent. The third practitioner, surnamed Chen, developed a mental disorder while in the brainwashing center.
In 2004 two practitioners were arrested while distributing fact-clarification materials at night in Nicha Town, Wuwei City. While trying to escape, one practitioner fell and suffered a severe injury to her back. She was bedridden for nearly two months.
On the night of November 27, 2007, Peng Xiantao from the Chengbei Police Station went to arrest local practitioners. While trying to escape from the police, Sha Fenglian fell from the fifth floor.
Prior to the 2008 Summer Olympics, police officers and 610 Office agents arrested He Xingang, Miao Shilin, and Lin Jumei. Not long after, Lin Jumei was sent to a forced labor camp, and the other two were sentenced to prison. One of them had more than 100,000 yuan extorted from him/her.
Ms. Sun Guizhi was arrested on June 24, 2010, and later sent to a labor camp. She died on May 19, 2011.
Huang Qifu, head of the Domestic Security Division: +86-13805651218 (Cell), +86-565-6315284 (Office), +86-565-6311939 (Home)
Zhou Fengbiao, deputy head of Wuwei County Police Department: +86-13605652019 (Cell), +86-565-6310984 (Office), +86-565-6339146 (Home)
Zhang Jibing, former deputy political head of Wuwei Police Department: +86-13905657241 (Cell), +86-565-6315300
He Zhongming, former head of the Domestic Security Division: +86-13956637077 (Cell), +86-565-6311154 (Office), +86-565-6311838 (Home)
Wu Xiaoshu, former head of Quantang Police Station): +86-13905652778 (Cell)
Luo Yehong, officer from the Domestic Security Division: +86-13966356336 (Cell), +86-565-6315284 (Office), +86-565-6332958 (Home)
For more such contact information, please refer to the original Chinese article.
Wuwei 610 Office Vilification of Falun Gong Only Serves to Expose Its Evil Nature

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