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Mr. Zhao Qi from Shandong Hydraulic Vocational College on Hunger Strike to Protest Illegal Detention

Nov. 10, 2012 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Shandong Province, China

Name: Zhao Qi (赵琪)
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Address: Rizhao City, Shandong Province
Occupation: Former teacher at Shandong Hydraulic Vocational College
Date of Most Recent Arrest: October 19, 2012
Most Recent Place of Detention: Brainwashing Center in Shandong No.2 Men's Forced Labor Camp (山东第二男子劳教所的洗脑班)
City: Zhangqiu
Province: Shandong
Persecution Suffered: Beatings, detention
Key Persecutors: Huang Jinhua (黄金华), Zeng Zhaofeng (曾照峰)

(Minghui.org) Mr. Zhao Qi from Shandong Hydraulic Vocational College in Rizhao City was arrested on the morning of October 19, 2012. Agents from the Donggang District 610 Office made the arrest and took Mr. Zhao to the brainwashing center in Shandong No.2 Men's Forced Labor Camp in Zhangqiu City. He has been on a hunger strike to demand an immediate release from this illegal detention.

Huang Jinhua and Zeng Zhaofeng from Donggang 610 Office went to Mr. Zhao's workplace prior to his arrest many times, in an attempt to pressure the college management to force Mr. Zhao to attend brainwashing sessions in Jinan City. But their attempts failed.

This time, agents from the 610 Office lied to the college management, saying that Falun Gong practitioners intended to make trouble during the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) 18th National Congress, and that the college management would be held responsible should something happen. Everyone in the college management then had to sign guarantees that they would help the 610 Office, otherwise they would be implicated as well. The agents also said that it is only a “study session,” and Mr. Zhao's colleagues could accompany him to the brainwashing center. They were also told that board and lodging would be arranged and that no one would beat or swear at Mr. Zhao.

However, Huang Jinhua, Zeng Zhaofeng, other officers and four security guards dispatched from other work units violently arrested Mr. Zhao on October 19, 2012. They had waited downstairs at the library building from 6:00 a.m. for Mr. Zhao to come to work. As soon as Mr. Zhao arrived at 8:00 a.m., the group of about 8 people surrounded him. They started pushing and beating him. They then tied his arms behind his back and forcibly bundled him into a waiting van. Mr. Zhao was tied this way all the way to the No.2 Men's Forced Labor Camp in Zhangqiu City.

Zhang Benchang, the library director who accompanied Mr. Zhao to the brainwashing sessions, was also deprived of his freedom, and he had to give his cell phone to the 610 Office agents. Mr. Zhao's employers also lost contact with the 610 Office. Even if they wanted to know about Mr. Zhao's situation, they were unable to find anybody in charge.

Mr. Zhao Qi has been on hunger strike since October 21, and his condition is a source of concern.

Related article:

“Mr. Zhao Qi, a Teacher from Shandong Hydraulic Vocational College, Sentenced to Labor Camp”

Those responsible for the persecution at Shandong Hydraulic Vocational College, Academic Affairs Division:
Wang Qitian, director: +86-633-8170031, +86-13562445817 (Cell)
Liu Fucheng, deputy director: +86-633-8170032, +86-13793400584 (Cell)
Cheng Xingqi, deputy director: +86-633-8170033, +86-13792030181 (Cell)
Zhang Benchang: +86-633-8170035, +86-13258956925 (Cell)