Name: Chen Fengmin (陈凤敏)
Gender: Female
Age: Over 50
Address: Unknown
Date of Death:
Date of Most Recent Arrest: November 17, 2011
Most Recent Place of Detention: Yichun Brainwashing Center (伊春洗脑班)
City: Jiamusi
Province: Heilongjiang
Persecution Suffered: Arrest, home ransacked, detention, forced to sit on a stool for a long time, labor camp detention, restricted toilet use, slave labor, brainwashing, and beating
( Ms. Chen Fengmin, a Falun Gong practitioner in her 50s, is from Jiamusi City in Heilongjiang Province. Before she began practicing Falun Gong, neither of her kidneys functioned normally and she could not find a cure after many attempts. Soon after she began to practice Falun Gong, her kidney disease was miraculously cured.
By following the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, Ms. Chen became more open-minded and she could tolerate her husband's bad habits. Her mother-in-law often said, “Had my daughter-in-law not practiced Falun Gong and forgiven my son, she would have already divorced him.” Their once unhappy family became harmonious.
After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began to persecute Falun Gong in July 1999, Ms. Chen went to Beijing in the spring of 2001 to appeal. Agents from the 610 Office arrested her on the train and took her to Jiamusi City's Liaison Office in Beijing. Li Yanwei from the Yongan Police Station took her back and detained her at the Jiamusi Detention Center for two weeks.
Mistreated in the forced labor camp
Many Falun Gong practitioners in Jiamusi were arrested in the fall of 2002, and Ms. Chen was one of them. She was sent to the Xigemu Forced Labor Camp for a term of two years. Every day, she was forced to sit on a small stool from 5 a.m. to 11 p.m. As a result, she developed an ulcerated sore on her bottom. She was also forced to do slave labor and her toilet use was highly restricted. Due to the torture, she once lost consciousness in the bathroom.
When Ms. Chen was at the forced labor camp, agents from the Anqing Police Station went to her house and broke in through the door. Her husband was worried all the time. He had a thrombosis and an intestinal obstruction. The family had to borrow nearly 10,000 yuan to cover his medical bills.
Ms. Chen was released in 2004, but regime officials still went to her home and harassed her from time to time.
Sent to a brainwashing center
Police officer Zhang Guofu and community staff person Liu Yunxia went to Ms. Chen's home several times in early November 2011, planning to send her to the Yichun Brainwashing Center. She refused and told them she had to take care of her husband. She also needed to work to support the family, including their school-age son.
Wang Hailun, an agent from the Dongfeng District Political and Judicial Committee, went to Ms. Chen's home with other officers on November 17, 2011. They tricked her into opening the door, arrested her, and ransacked her home.
After Ms. Chen was in the brainwashing center, guard Gu Songtao beat her with a remote and swore at her. Thugs took turns torturing her and did not allow her to sleep even at midnight. They also forced her to watch DVDs that defamed Falun Gong. As a result, she was physically exhausted and became disoriented. This continued for 17 days before she was released.
Kidney Disease Cured by Practicing Falun Gong, Ms. Chen Fengmin Is Now Persecuted for Her Faith

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