(Minghui.org) From seeing the call for articles to commemorate May 13 to writing my article and then sending it in has been a process of applying the Fa to purify and elevate myself.
Seeing the Call for Articles
When I saw the call for articles on Minghui.org, I was not thinking of writing an article. What I had written before were experience-sharing articles, not the types that deal with a special topic. I was of the opinion that, since this call was for a special date, only typical or representative articles would be appropriate. I thought that I did not have content for such articles.
Later, I read several articles by fellow practitioners in response to this call, and they were experience-sharing articles. Teacher has been supporting us unselfishly and offering salvation to us. When I thought about changes that had taken place in my mind and body (as a result of cultivating in Falun Dafa), I believed that I could write something. Upon looking inward, I realized that my initial thoughts of having nothing suitable to write about were due to being insufficiently thankful for and respectful of the Fa and Teacher.
I think the purpose of writing an article for this request is to validate the Fa and save sentient beings. It is also an overall coordination effort. It is our responsibility to participate in it.
Writing the Article
A fellow practitioner said, “When you decide to write an article, you just need to write down what you think and record everything truthfully.” Typically, the content would be either what we have shared with fellow practitioners or the facts about Dafa that we have explained to ordinary people. Thus, writing it should be easy to do.
I think what we write should show our gratefulness to Teacher. We can use the story of our personal cultivation to validate the Fa to ordinary people. This is part of fulfilling our historic mission and assisting Teacher in Fa-rectification. I truly feel that the cultivation story of every Dafa practitioner is worthy content.
Submitting the Article
Once I completed my article, I thought: “The deadline is April 18. I have more time.” I then realized that it would be selfish to hold onto the article until the last minute, because if every author did the same thing, fellow practitioners handling the Minghui website would be hard-pressed to sort all the articles into different categories, read through all of them, decide which ones to accept, edit them, etc.
At that point, I read over my article once more and sent it in.
Using Righteous Thoughts to Deal with Acceptance or Rejection
Some practitioners said things like, “Since the article will not be published, why bother writing it. A better use of my time is...”
The fact is, space for publication is limited. Fellow practitioners at Minghui have to decide which articles are best for validating the Fa and helping ordinary people understand the facts about Falun Dafa. We offer our articles so that fellow practitioners at Minghui can have the opportunity to choose, thus improving the quality of Fa validation.
I think that, regardless of whether an article is accepted or not, it is a record in another dimension. The positive aspect is that we are participating and supporting a group activity.
I think we should not be concerned about whether or not our article gets published. It is more important to watch how we think during the process of preparing an article for publication. The reason is that we are cultivating.
While writing an article is just one of the things we do, doesn't cultivation include a variety of things that we do? This is also a record of our cultivation, and I know I have changed through this process. From now on, I shall do everything that practitioners are called on to do. I won't be just a spectator.
Thank you, revered Teacher! I bow to you respectfully and heshi!
Submitting My Article in Response to the “Call for Articles to Commemorate May 13”

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