(Minghui.org) My mother is a 79-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner. She has been practicing for 17 years. Although I'm not a practitioner, I'd like to thank Teacher Li Hongzhi from the bottom of my heart. I'm grateful that Falun Dafa saved my mother and my entire family.
Prior to practicing, my mother was in very poor health. She suffered from heart disease, stomach problems, gallbladder inflammation, hypertension, lower back pain, retinal atrophy, a high degree of myopia, and chronic fatigue and weakness (most likely caused by being persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party at a young age). I took her to the optometrist many times to get glasses, but they did not help. It was hard for her to leave the house because she was constantly ill. Whenever we went out, she carried her pill box. She took several types of medication on a daily basis. It was painful to see her suffer, but there was not much we could do. The constant suffering made her lose her temper and she often threw temper tantrums, which put the family on the edge.
After she practiced Falun Gong, she became healthier, quit her medications, and was in good spirits. My mother did not get an education, but she is able to read Zhuan Falun. She practices the exercises and studies the Fa on a daily basis, and her health has improved. At first, when she became seriously ill, we wanted to take her to the hospital, but she said, “Please don't worry, Teacher is eliminating karma for me.” She was fine two days later. Later, when something similar happened, we knew that her karma was being eliminated.
Now my mother is in good health. Fellow classmates, friends, and neighbors all say she looks young and pretty, nothing like a 79-year-old. She does not even need glasses. When our family goes out for recreation, she does the same things that the young people do, including riding speedboats and beach motorcycles.
There are two events that happened recently that made us nervous, but they also strengthened our belief in Falun Gong, and we were thankful for Teacher Li's protection. Once after my mother came home from distributing truth clarification materials, I noticed her limping. I asked her what happened and she said she had fallen and rolled down five or six steps. I quickly looked her over and noticed a bit of redness on her leg. Her leg was fine the next day, as if nothing had happened. After falling down a flight of stairs, most people her age would have broken some bone or other. On another occasion, our family went to visit my sister who was hospitalized. After I parked the car and met up with my family, I saw that everyone was hovering nervously around my mother. She, however, was comforting them, saying that she was fine. Apparently, she had tripped and fallen. She fell very hard and scared everyone. My sister could not help but cry. My mother straightened herself and got up. Her jade bracelet was the only thing that was broken. People around us thought it was a miracle that my mother got up so quickly, but our family knew that it was Teacher Li protecting her.
There are many other things I'd like to mention but won't. My mother went through a tremendous transformation after she began the practice. Even my 90-year-old father's back is getting better. How could we not thank Falun Dafa!
I previously worked for another company, but now I run a profitable business. Many Buddhist and Taoist monks have offered me amulets, but I kindly refuse to take them. I tell them that I believe in Falun Gong, and they usually walk away without a word. Many friends say that merchants usually pay respect to “money gods,” and I reply that I just believe in Falun Gong. I always carry an amulet with the emblem of Falun Gong on it with me. I often tell people about the goodness of Falun Dafa. Whenever I see my friends, I share with them my personal experiences with Dafa. I tell them the facts about Falun Gong and urge them to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations.
When my friends and neighbors see the positive changes in our family, they are envious. They know that our good fortune is because my mother practices Falun Gong and that our family believes Falun Dafa is good. There are high-level officials, police officers, and city officials among those who have noticed. Many of them have changed their viewpoint about Falun Dafa. They use to be deceived by the lies and rejected Falun Gong, but now they understand that Falun Dafa is good. Many have also quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations.
I hope that people around the world who love Falun Dafa will gain blessings!
Thank You, Teacher Li Hongzhi, for Saving My Mother and Family

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