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Taiwan: Falun Gong Practitioners Participate in the Kechia Cultural Festival in Miaoli (Photos)

May 4, 2012

(Minghui.org) On April 29, 2012, the Divine Land Marching Band, consisting of local Falun Gong practitioners, participated in the closing ceremony at the 2012 Kechia Cultural Festival held in Toufen Town, Miaoli County, Taiwan. The mayor of the town, Mr. Hsu Tingchen, thanked practitioners for their excellent performances.

Mayor Mr. Hsu Tingchen


The Divine Land Marching Band

The waist drum team composed of Falun Gong practitioners

The spectators were amazed by the performances and the size of the Divine Land Marching Band. Although it was raining, the band members were full of energy. Many spectators took pictures and videos of the band. Some people believe that it is the largest marching band in Taiwan.

The Kechia Cultural Festival is an annual event in Toufen Town, that is held every April. Tourists enjoy the lanterns and performances in the parade.