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Additional Persecution News from China – September 27, 2013 (10 Reports)

Oct. 19, 2013

(Minghui.org) Today's news from china includes incidents of persecution that took place in 9 cities or counties in 6 provinces. In this report, 6 Falun Gong practitioners were subjected to mistreatment during their detention, and at least 12 practitioners were illegally arrested .

1. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Zhao Chunyi Transferred to Xinshou Prison
2. [Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province] Ms. Cheng Yuanlan and Ms. Liang Fengxiu Arrested
3. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Mr. Yang Lingfu Held in Detention Center
4. [Suihua City, Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Yu Wenxue and Mr. Xu Zhenxue Detained
5. [Beijing] Liu Boxin and Many Other Practitioners Arrested
6. [Jiansanjiang City, Heilongjian Province] Mr. Shi Mengchang and His Wife Ms. Han Shujuan Arrested
7. [Bozhou City, Anhui Province] Qiaocheng District Practitioners Arrested
8. [Ziyang City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Yan Suqing and Ms. Jiang Suying Arrested
9. [Beijing] Ms. Liu Guoxin and Other Practitioners Arrested
10. [Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province] Ms. Yuan Xiurong and Other Practitioners Arrested

1. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Zhao Chunyi Transferred to Xinshou Prison

Mr. Zhao Chunyi from Sujiatun District, Shenyang City was transferred from the Sujiatun District Detention Center to the Xinshou Prison in the prison complex of Shenyang on September 23, 2013.

2. [Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province] Ms. Cheng Yuanlan and Ms. Liang Fengxiu Arrested

Ms. Cheng Yuanlan and Ms. Liang Fengxiu were arrested by local police while handing out information about the persecution of Falun Gong. They were taken to the Shijiazhuang Brainwashing Center.

3. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Mr. Yang Lingfu Held in Detention Center

Mr. Yang Lingfu, who was arrested on the evening of September 24, 2013, is being held in the Etouwan Detention Center in Wuhan City. His wife, who was arrested on the same evening, has been released.

4. [Suihua City, Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Yu Wenxue and Mr. Xu Zhenxue Detained

Driver Mr. Yu Wenxue and Mr. Xu Zhenxue were reported to the police by a villager for handing out brochures about the persecution of Falun Gong at Sunzhanwu Village of Sanhe Town on August 14, 2013. Police members from the Sanhe Town Police Department and agents from the Beilin 610 Office took them to the Suihua Detention Center. Over 2,000 yuan cash that Mr. Xu carried with him was confiscated. In addition, police extorted 50,000 yuan from his family. Mr. Xu is still in custody.

Mr. Yu's home was ransacked. Police confiscated his printer, computer, consumables, Falun Gong books and other materials. Agents from the 610 office extorted 40,000 yuan from his family and then released him.

Parties involved in the persecution: Wang Shubo, 610 Office: +86-13945539186 Suihua City Procuratorate Complain & Service Department: +86-455-8322000 Suihua City Police Department Complain & Service:+86-455-8319598, +86-455-8319717 Li Jianfei, 610 Office: +86-13845500330

5. [Beijing] Liu Boxin and Many Other Practitioners Arrested

Mr. Liu Boxin, Mr. Li Shucheng and other practitioners from Sujiatu Town, Haidian District, Beijing were arrested from Liu Boxin's house on September 24,2013. They are currently being detained at the Houshajian Detention Center in Sujiatuo Town, Haidian District.

Parties involved in the persecution: Detention Center: +86-10-82587325 Operation Officer, Haidian District Detention, Beijing: +86-10-62400850 Haidian District Detention, Beijing : +86-10-882587322

6. [Jiansanjiang City, Heilongjian Province] Mr. Shi Mengchang and His Wife Ms. Han Shujuan Arrested

Jiansanjiang Practitioner Mr. Shi Mengchang and his wife Ms Han Shujuan were arrested at home by officers from the Qixing Police Department on September 23, 2013. They are being held at the Qinglongshan Brainwashing Center.

Parties involved in the persecution: Li Xudong, Qixing Police Department: +86-454 5715657, +86-13945444313, +86-454-5791521 Guo Yuzhong, director, Qixing Police Department: +86-13803675568, +86-454-5715761, +86-454-5788007 Manager , Qinglongshan Brainwashing Center: +86-13846125557 Taohua, Brainwashing Center Member: +86-13555430238

7. [Bozhou City, Anhui Province] Qiaocheng District Practitioners Arrested

Ms. Zhu Hui is also among those practitioners arrested on September 22, 2013. Ms. Bai Jie has been sentenced, and is being held at the Bozhou City Detention Center.

8. [Ziyang City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Yan Suqing and Ms. Jiang Suying Arrested

Ms. Yan Suqing, 60, from Jianyang, was arrested in Chengdu City. Her whereabouts are unknown.

Ms. Jiang Suying, 60, from Shibandeng Town, Jianyang, was arrested at home on the same day by agents from the Shibandeng Town Police Station and Jianyang 610 Office. They also confiscated her computer and informational materials about Falun Gong.

9. [Beijing] Ms. Liu Guoxin and Other Practitioners Arrested

Ms. Liu Guoxin, Ms. Li Shucheng and other practitioners from Beijing were arrested by officers from the Xixiaoying Police Station, Sujiatuo, Haidian District on September 24, 2013. Officers confiscated computers, cellphones, printers and other items from their homes.

10. [Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province] Ms. Yuan Xiurong and Other Practitioners Arrested

Ms. Yuan Xierong and other practitioners from Xiahuayuan District Coal Mine, Zhangjiakou City, were arrested on September 26, 2013 for telling people about the persecution of Falun Gong. They were taken to the Shisanli Police Station.

Parties involved in the persecution: Xiahuayuan Police Station: +86-313 5052472