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Making Phone Calls to Raise Awareness About the Persecution of Falun Gong

Dec. 24, 2013 |   By a practitioner from China

(Minghui.org) As the Fa rectification moves toward to the final stage, diligent Dafa practitioners are working to save sentient beings using various methods. I would like to report to Master and share with fellow practitioners my experience in speaking to people about Falun Gong and the persecution using cellphones.

Making Phone Calls to Ask People to Withdraw from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

I began making phone calls to help people understand Falun Gong and the persecution at the end of 2008. Whether they were rich or poor, the results were very effective. I have been carrying out my wish as a practitioner to assist in saving sentient beings. Many of the people I talked to over the phone made a righteous choice.

Whether it was outside on a cold snowy day or a hot summer day with the mosquitos, I would make calls. I could feel Master beside me and the heavenly beings guarding me. When danger approached, Master would warn me by turning the screen on my cellphone white. I sincerely thanked Master for his protection.

Cellphone Signals Miraculously Go Through Other Dimensions

I really didn't know much about cellphones when I started calling people. I once made more than twelve calls, but none of them went through. The phone card was new and I didn't know why it wasn't working. The next morning, when I was doing the second set of Falun Gong exercises, an idea suddenly came to me: have the cellphone signals go through other dimensions.

Master had given me a hint. I remembered Master's words: “But qi does not travel in this dimension.” (Zhuan Falun) So I sat down and started talking to my cellphone, “Let's just go through other dimensions instead of this dimension. And later, you can keep doing that without my having to remind you. If there is any evil interference, just eliminate it. If you cannot, ask Master for help. Master can do anything.” My cellphone never had any problems after that.

Man Grabs Phone to Withdraw from the CCP

Master said,

“People in peril are crying for help For their knowing side wants to survive” (“It's the Divine Saving People” from Hong Yin III)

People are anxiously waiting to be saved and looking to practitioners to help them withdraw from the CCP and its affiliated organizations. One day a lady answered my call and after I said just a few sentences, a man grabbed the phone away from her.

He anxiously asked, “Are you a Dafa practitioner?” I answered yes. He said, “Could you help me withdraw from the CCP?” I told him yes. He said that he had joined the CCP and affiliates of the Youth League and the Young Pioneer League in the past. “Please help me withdraw from all of them,” he said.

I gave him an alias to withdraw from them and he kept thanking me. I also told him many of the reasons to withdraw from the CCP and to remember, “Falun Dafa is good.” He told me that he knew the things that I had told him, but it had taken him a while to find a practitioner.

I congratulated him and told him to spread the word to his family and friends.

High School Student: “You Must Tell Every Chinese Person”

When a high school student once answered the phone, I told him about withdrawing from the CCP. I explained that he would have a good future and he would be blessed if he remembered that “Falun Dafa is good” and “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.”

He told me that he had joined the Young Pioneer League and the Youth League. I told him that the vows he had made when he joined those organizations meant that he was giving his life to the CCP and a dark force. Withdrawing from these organizations would declare to heaven that he had made a new vow, and he would be aligned with the heavens. Gods would then protect him when catastrophic events took place.

He was a senior in high school and worried that withdrawing from the CCP affiliated organizations would affect his admission to college. I said only the heavens and the Gods know our fate, and that everything would work out just the way it was meant to. I also explained the history of the CCP and the Tiananmen Square Self-Immolation hoax. After we talked for a long time, he understood what I said.

He said he had a request, and I told him that I would fulfill it as long as it was within my ability. He said, “You must tell every Chinese person how good Falun Dafa is. And you must save the Chinese people who are deceived by the Communist Party.” I was so moved I could hardly hold back my tears. I told him I would try my best to do so.

This was the wish of a high school student.

I then asked him to hand the cellphone to the people around him. I talked until his cellphone battery ran out. Everyone I talked to withdrew from the CCP and the affiliated organizations. Five students withdrew that day. Before hanging up the phone, they all shouted together, “Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!”

A Cultivation Process

Informing people about the persecution and Falun Gong over the phone was a cultivation process. Sometimes I was fearful. I would feel afraid for no reason and my heart would pound. I kept reciting Master's poem:

“Should you have fear, it will seize upon you If thoughts are righteous, evil will collapse The cultivator’s mind is loaded with Fa Send righteous thoughts and rotten demons explode Gods walk the earth, validating the Fa” (“What's to Fear?” from Hong Yin)

I repeated this over and over until my fear vanished. I always remembered what Master said,

“The old forces don't dare to oppose our clarifying the truth or saving sentient beings. What's key is to not let them take advantage of the gaps in your state of mind when you do things.” (“Teaching the Fa at the 2002 Fa Conference in Boston” from Teaching the Fa at the Conference II)

There were times I ran into people that swore at me. There were also public officials from government agencies, including the 610 Office, the police departments, or the military who threatened me.

To speak to people about withdrawing from the CCP required a cultivation foundation based on studying the Fa with a peaceful heart and a righteous mind. A pure heart of great compassion can melt the evil forces and save the sentient beings without interference.

I hope more of the practitioners in China will use cellphones to inform people about the persecution and Falun Gong, as it is very effective and in saving the precious Chinese people.