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The CCP On Its Last Legs as More and More Government Officials Resign

April 8, 2013 |   By Minghui correspondent He Yu

(Minghui.org) Knowledge of the heinous and unjust persecution of Falun Gong has become more widespread worldwide, even in China. As a result, more than 135 million people have announced their withdrawals from the Chinese Communist Party and its affiliated youth organizations (sometimes known as "the three withdrawals"). The CCP is on its way out, and it will not be long before those responsible will be brought to justice.


"Quit the CCP" becomes top priority for people in mainland China

"Quit the CCP" center volunteers have made repeated phone calls to people working in the Political and Judiciary system to clarify the facts. They've even been calling those whose names are on the “list of evildoers.” They have talked to them again and again to offer them an opportunity to wake up and to show them a way out to save themselves. Compassion can melt the coldest ice. Some of those who participated in the persecution have said that they would make up for their crimes by doing good deeds, mend their ways, and make a fresh start. They also made declarations to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations.

Domestic Security Division office head uses his real name to quit the CCP

Ms. Wang, a Quit the CCP center volunteer, dialed the phone number of a Domestic Security Division office. Initially the man who answered the phone was angry when he heard Ms. Wang mention quitting the CCP and shouted, “Do you know who I am? I'm in the Domestic Security Division!”

“You're exactly the person I want to talk to," Ms. Wang said. “My friends and I used to serve in the army together. After they transferred to the civilian sector, they now do what you do. They are actually good people, but have been dragged into the abyss due to their involvement in Jiang Zemin's brutal persecution of Falun Gong. I called them and told them not to persecute the Falun Gong. I told them not to be the CCP's scapegoats and go down with it. They were all very grateful that I still remembered them and were genuinely concerned about them.” The man on the other end of the line quickly calmed down and listened.

“Several million Dafa practitioners lost their lives in the last 13 years as a result of persecution, torture, the use of damaging and poisonous drugs, and live organ harvesting. The crimes are too numerous to count,” Ms. Wang continued. “Falun Gong is a cultivation practice of the Buddha School. How can anyone ever make up for the crimes of persecuting the Buddha Fa? It's a heavenly principle that good is rewarded with good and evil with punishment. You can see thousands of examples of evildoers experiencing karmic retribution on the Minghui website. Recently, many who worked in the Political and Judiciary system have committed suicide by hanging themselves or jumping off tall buildings. There have been many such incidents!”

As the man listened attentively, Ms. Wang said, “You work in the system and you know all too well how evil the CCP is. Heaven will not stand for it. Now people are awakening to the truth and have started to resist the persecution. From tens of thousands of signatures and fingerprints to support Falun Gong practitioners to the frequent large-scale protests of people protecting their rights, it is very clear that a huge historic change is just around the corner.”

The man continued to listen quietly as Ms. Wang told him that Falun Gong practitioners overseas have vowed to let the world know about the crimes committed by Jiang Zemin and his gang, the “610 Office,” the police, the public prosecutors, and all the legal organizations directly involved in the persecution, as well as administrators and guards in forced labor camps, brainwashing centers, and prisons, and those conscienceless doctors and personnel who've harvested organs from Falun Dafa practitioners.

“All accounts will be settled! What will you do then? Who is going to help you? The CCP won't! Only the compassionate gods can leave you a way out. We are volunteers and are using our own money to call you from overseas, because this is a matter of life and death and we would like to help you stop doing evil things and become a good person so that you can be safe when calamity comes.”

Ms. Wang explained that his only way out was to quit the CCP and make up for his crimes by doing good deeds, such as exposing the evil conduct of Jiang's gang and no longer persecuting Dafa practitioners, while also collecting persecution evidence, including witnesses, material evidence, documents, photos, recordings, videos, and personal particulars of perpetrators with details of their crimes.

After quietly listening to Ms. Wang, the man told her that he was head of the unit, and quit the CCP with his real name.

Chief judge: You are treating me like my own mother would

Auntie Huang is a volunteer at a Quit the CCP center. She called the chief judge in a court in Nanjing. Each time she called, the judge verbally abused her using dirty language and rudely hung up. Auntie Huang did not give up on him and called him again and again and talked to him with compassion. Finally the ice melted and the judge no longer lost his temper at her. The next time she called, he said emotionally, “I have abused you so much. Why are you still so kind to me, treating me like my own mother would?”

Auntie Huang said to him kindly, “Do you know that even though you are so cruel in persecuting Falun Gong, our Master still calls you the 'precious Chinese people,' telling us not to give up on you and to treat you as our own family, and that we must save you. In fact, you are the biggest victims of the persecution. You started out as good people, but were poisoned by the evil CCP's lies. I hope I can awaken your true, kind nature. Heaven will destroy this evil Party, you must not blindly follow it to certain destruction and suffer disasters!”

“It has not been easy for me to get to a position as chief judge,” the man said, “But I will quit the CCP! I will quit right now!” He told Auntie Huang his real name and asked, “I've done many bad things. Can I still be blessed by gods?”

“That's what has happened for those who have renounced the Party,” she told him, “So long as you have a heart to renounce evil and turn towards virtue, and from now on stop doing bad things and protect Dafa practitioners instead. Release them and try your best to correct your mistakes with good deeds, then the gods will bless you!”

“Is that true? Is it true? Really true?” The judge asked Auntie three times to confirm what he had heard. He was deeply moved by the compassion and forgiveness of Dafa practitioners, saying Auntie Huang treated him with tenderness, like a mother would treats her own child who had done wrong.

Auntie Huang told him to remember nine auspicious words: "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good. Falun Dafa is good."

“I won't forget,” he said. “And when you return to China, please make sure you call me. It's the same number. I will pay you a visit! I wish you happiness! I forever wish your Master the best!”

Police officer helps 20 people quit the CCP

When he answered the first phone call from the Quit the CCP Center, the young police officer was very rude, saying, “If the sky falls, we'll all die together.” This officer participated in persecuting Dafa practitioners and thought his crimes were irredeemable so he behaved recklessly, indulging himself in many immoral vices. Even he felt that he was beyond help.

“Your original nature is not like that,” Ms. Xiao told him. “It is Jiang Zemin and the evil CCP that have taken you down an evil path and are trying to drag you into the abyss. If the sky falls today, only those bad people will go down with the evil Party. You must treasure your own life .” She went on to tell the officer, “Our Master cherishes you more than you cherish yourself. He told us to save you. So long as you quit the CCP and start treating Dafa practitioners with kindness, do good deeds, and accumulate virtue to make up for your past crimes, gods will still bless you.”

The policeman told Ms. Xiao his real name and said he wanted to quit the CCP. Ms. Xiao told him that, a few days earlier, the head of a police department helped persuade more than 30 relatives and friends to quit the CCP, and a government staff member had helped more 40 people do the same. Ms. Xiao said she hoped the police officer would also tell people near him about this important message. He was so moved that he told Ms. Xiao to call him again. Later, he helped 20 people quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. Four of the 20 were his relatives, and the rest were his colleagues.