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Group Practice in Copenhagen

Aug. 2, 2013 |   By Lan Ling, Minghui correspondent

(Minghui.org) On July 20, 2013, participants of the European Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference held a group practice event on Parliament Square in Copenhagen, Denmark.

European Falun Gong practitioners' group practice in Parliament Square, Copenhagen.

Behind Parliament Square stands Christiansborg Palace, which houses Denmark's three branches of government: the executive, the legislative, and the judicial. It is the location of the Danish Parliament, the Danish Prime Minister's Office, and the Danish Supreme Court. Several parts of the palace are used by the monarchy, including the Royal Reception Rooms, the Palace Chapel ,and the Royal Stables. It is a primary tourist attraction in Copenhagen.

That day 14 years ago, the Chinese Communist Party started arresting and persecuting Falun Gong practitioners nationwide. Thousands of Falun Gong practitioners appealed to the government peacefully. Many of them were illegally arrested and detained. Ever since, public Falun Gong group practice sites in China have disappeared.

Many passersby and tourists to stopped to watch. As in China 14 years ago, wherever Falun Gong practitioners go, they bring with them Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.

"We are here to protest the persecution"

Although the participants came from different countries in Europe, they shared one aspiration: “To let people understand that Falun Gong is good and to stop the persecution as soon as possible.”

Ms. Wang, 69, is from Shenyang, China. She started practicing Falun Gong right before the persecution started. To avoid be arrested for her belief, she and her husband escaped to Cambodia and then Norway. Michael, 42, also started to practice in 1999. These two practitioners had never met before, but they both came for one purpose: to tell everyone what the CCP has done.

Ms. Wang participated in the torture reenactment activity to show how Chinese Communist regime tortures Falun Gong practitioners. Michael did her make-up. She wanted to demonstrate how the CCP treats Falun Gong practitioners and make people aware of what evil the CCP is capable of.

No one condones the persecution

Giulia, Rachele, Chiara, Francesca, and Roberta traveled together from Italy to Copenhagen. After listening to what CCP has done to Falun Gong and its practitioners, all of them have signed the petition to offer their support.

Five Italian girls listen to a practitioner explain the facts

On behalf of herself and her friends, Giulia said, "You are here, which is very important! You pass on the Falun Gong information to everyone. Human rights are basic rights for all human beings, and we need to do all we can do to protect them. Nobody should ever be persecuted for his belief."

Giulia and her friends said, “We are leaving Denmark for Sweden in two hours, we are so happy to be able to do something for Falun Gong practitioners just before we leave. This is so worthwhile.”

Vad taking a photo of the event

Vad from Denmark works in the IT communications industry. He was very impressed by the event and described it as “very peaceful.” After hearing about the CCP torture of Falun Gong practitioners, he expressed his indignation: “Persecution is intolerable. The CCP has no right to sell human organs!” Before leaving, Vad encouraged the practitioners, saying, “I support you in your pursuit of your rights!”