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Ms. Xing Limin Poisoned in Beijing Women's Forced Labor Camp

Aug. 5, 2013 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Beijing, China

(Minghui.org) Ms. Xing Limin was poisoned at the Beijing Women's Forced Labor Camp in April 2013. She lost her ability to walk the same day.

Ms. Xing is a Falun Gong practitioner from Shahe Town, Changping District, Beijing. She was illegally arrested at home by officers from the 610 Office in 2011. She was taken to a brainwashing center.

Because she refused to give up her belief, the 610 Office personnel said they would only release her if she paid 100,000 yuan. Ms. Xing refused. As a result, she was sentenced to two and a half years of forced labor and transferred from the brainwashing center to the Beijing Women's Forced Labor Camp.

In the labor camp, Ms. Xing was locked in a small cell for not cooperating with the guards in being “transformed.” In retaliation, in April 2013 the guards put unknown drugs in her meal. Soon afterward, Ms. Xing experienced a lot of pain. The same day, she also lost her ability to walk.

The article Confessions of a “Baojia” - a Prison Monitor's Insights into the Persecution of Falun Gong revealed more information about the incident. The author wrote: “The 'baojias' took meals to the practitioners who were locked in solitary cells. I took meals to Xing Limin and Ning Yuhuan, both of whom had refused to give up their beliefs, and were thus not 'transformed.'

“One day when I went to get the meals for them, I noticed that guard Yang Jie had just finished putting drug powder in their food. She had a small piece of paper that contained the drug powder in her pocket and she wiped the powder on the edge of the plate and then into the food with her right hand. Practitioner Ning Yuhuan was later transferred to a faraway place, and when she left she shouted, 'Falun Dafa is good!' Xing Limin was eventually unable to walk due to the drugs and torture.”

The labor camp authorities released Ms. Xing in May 2013 to avoid responsibility. She is still feeble and unable to walk.