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Three Practitioners from Xiantao Detained Again

Oct. 19, 2014 |   By a Minghui correspondent from Hubei Province, China

(Minghui.org) Three Falun Gong practitioners from Xiantao City, Hubei Province, are being detained in the Xiantao No. 1 Detention Center. The following accounts detail the arrests of these practitioners, Mr. Mao Yixiang, Ms. Wang Dongmei and Mr. Li Jinyang.

Mr. Mao Yixiang Arrested

Mr. Mao Yixiang is a resident of Sanfutan Town of Xiantao. Officers from the Sanfutan Police Station broke into his home on August 5, 2014. They confiscated his computer, printer and some CDs. He was forced to leave home to avoid further persecution.

The police deceived Mr. Mao's family into asking him to return home. They arrested him on arrival and took him to the police station, claiming that he would be released after 15 days. Instead, he was transferred to the Xiantao City No. 1 Detention Center 15 days later. His family hired a lawyer.

Mr. Mao has been detained many times over the past years. He was sentenced to three and a half years of prison in the past.

Mr. Li Jinyang Arrested at a Train Station

Mr. Li Jinyang disappeared on January 21, 2014. That day he had purchased a train ticket from Guangdong Province to his hometown for the Chinese New Year. While waiting for his train, he put up two posters about the persecution of Falun Gong and was arrested by onsite security personnel. His family did not know his whereabouts until six months later, when the learned that he was being held in the Foshan Detention Center.

His parents are in their 80's and his father had just undergone a cancer operation. So they asked a relative to go to Fushan to visit him on their behalf. However, the relative was not allowed to see Mr. Li, saying it was because he refused to wear the prison uniform and insisted on doing Falun Gong exercises.

Mr. Li was recently transferred to Xiantao No. 1 Detention Center.

Mr. Li's wife was forced to divorce him while he was serving a three-and-a-half-year prison term. His brother and sister-in-law broke their ties with him for fear of being implicated by the Chinese regime's guilty by association policy.

Ms. Wang Dongmei Arrested in Guangzhou

Ms. Wang Dongmei is a resident of Xiaotao. She went to work in Guangzhou City, Guangdong in August 2013. The local police learned that she practiced Falun Gong and began monitoring her and tapped her phone. She was eventually arrested.

She was taken back to Hubei Province and detained in the Banqiao Brainwashing Center and later in the Shiyan Detention Center. Her family did not know her whereabouts until after she was transferred to the Xiantao First Detention Center.

Ms. Wang had been sentenced to forced labor twice in the past.
