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Greetings and Poetry by Practitioners Around the World Express Gratitude to Master in Honor of World Falun Dafa Day

May 15, 2014


Falun Dafa Practitioners in Puerto Rico Respectfully Wish Most Benevolent Master "Happy Birthday!"

Falun Dafa Practitioners of Tuscany Send Sincere Congratulations to Our Esteemed Master
Practitioners of Prato celebrate World Falun Dafa Day! Practitioners of Florence send greetings to Master! Practitioners of Montevarchi wish Master a Happy Birthday!

Thank You, Master!
By a Vietnamese practitioner in San Diego, CA

How many lifetimes have I reincarnated? How long have I lost my way back home? How much debt have I owed? How much karma have I created? What level of hell was I in? Then You picked me up from hell. You eliminated my karma, purified my body. You teach me how to cultivate, to reach higher truth. Every time I stumble, You lift me up and show me The Way. Oh Master, how much hardship have You borne for me? Without You, I'm just a grain of dust. Every time I think of You Tears roll down my face. Speechless, just can't find my words It's You, by You that I'm saved It's You, by You that I've found my way home.

How fortunate I am to be Your disciple The do the three things, To be more diligent, To return home with Master. Thank you, Master!

Falun Dafa Practitioners in the Republic of Panama Respectfully Salute World Falun Dafa Day and Wish Master Li a Happy 63rd Birthday!
We wish to celebrate the 22nd anniversary of Falun Dafa's introduction to the public and are grateful for Master's compassionate salvation and protection.