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Snapshot of Falun Gong Practitioners Whose Copies of Lawsuits Against Jiang Zemin Were Received by Minghui on September 19-20, 2015

Oct. 2, 2015

(Minghui.org) Many Falun Gong practitioners are now exercising their legal right to sue Jiang Zemin for launching the persecution of Falun Gong and causing them great harm and tremendous suffering over the past 16 years. The momentum of this new wave of lawsuits against the former Chinese dictator is on the rise.

The Minghui website receives copies of criminal complaints against Jiang from many practitioners daily. In this report, we present a snapshot of some of the practitioners whose copies of lawsuits were received by Minghui on September 19-20, 2015.

These lawsuits are mailed to the Supreme People's Court and Supreme People's Procuratorate, which are required to process all criminal complaints filed by citizens, as of a recent ruling by the Supreme People's Court.

Mr. Sun Guanzhou (孙冠洲)

Profession: Professor at Yuzhou City Teacher's CollegeHometown: Yuzhou City, Henan Province

Key Facts:

The Domestic Security Division sent six officers to Mr. Sun's home while he was having a meal on March 3, 2008. To gain entry, the officers said they were checking for a computer virus. When they were let in, they ransacked the residence and confiscated Mr. Sun's computer, Dafa books, and other personal belongings.

He was arrested and died seven days later.

Mr. Sun's family was informed that he wasn't well on March 6, and took him to the hospital. The doctor said Mr. Sun should not stay in the detention center due to his poor health. His family strongly requested that they let him stay in the hospital to be treated, but the request was refused.

His family then asked officer Geng Songtao if Mr. Sun could be released. Geng wanted 50,000 yuan first, and later reduced it to 25,000 yuan. Mr. Sun's wife could only come up with 5,000 yuan. Geng told Mr. Sun's wife that it was not enough to get him released.

Mr. Sun's wife received a phone call on March 9, and was told to go to the hospital. When she arrived, she saw Mr. Sun's cold dead body.

Related ReportMr. Sun Guanzhou Dies after only Seven Days in Custody in Henan Province (Photo)

Details of complaint in Chinese language

Mr. Yang Baochun (杨宝春)

Profession: WorkerHometown: Handan City, Hebei Province

Key Facts:

Mr. Yang Baochun went to Beijing in 1999 to appeal for the right to practice Falun Gong. He was arrested and taken to a forced labor camp, where he was held for two years.

In the winter of 2000, a guard threw his cotton shoes onto the roof because Mr. Yang was seen practicing the Falun Dafa exercises in his cell. He was ordered to go outside and stand barefoot in the snow. When he was allowed to go back indoors, the guard poured hot water on his feet. As a result, Mr. Yang's feet blistered and became infected. The infection soon spread to his legs. After some time, he was taken to the Handan Textile Bureau Affiliated Hospital for emergency treatment, but it was too late. The infection had become life threatening and Mr. Yang’s right leg had to be amputated.

The guards tried to claim that Mr. Yang had gone insane and that the damage to his leg was self-inflicted. Less than two weeks after having his leg amputated and with the wound still open, Mr. Yang was taken to the Ankang Mental Hospital.

The director of Ankang Mental Hospital often placed unknown drugs into Mr. Yang's food. Afterward, he felt very weak and listless. He drooled uncontrollably. His tongue became thick and he couldn't speak clearly.

Mr. Yang was also shocked with electric batons and beaten. He was finally released from the mental hospital in 2004 after his wife was forced to pay a large amount of money. However, he was still monitored 24 hours a day by his colleagues from the security department of his company.

At around 11 p.m. on February 17, 2008, the director of Ankang Mental Hospital and five or six doctors drove to Mr. Yang's house and forcibly took him back to the mental hospital. After a long period of forced drug administration, he began suffering from mental illness symptoms. On January 20, 2009, when his family brought him home, they found that Mr. Yang really had become mentally ill. Anguished and in despair, his family had to take him back to the mental hospital.

Current Circumstances:Mr. Yang Baochun has been in the mental hospital for more than five years as of September 2015.

Related Report(s):The Story of Mr. Yang Baochun: How the CCP Uses Psychiatric Hospitals to Persecute Falun Dafa Practitioners in ChinaYang Baochun Lost His Right Leg as a Result of Torture and Has Been Held in a Psychiatric Hospital Repeatedly

Details of complaint in Chinese language

Mr. Han Kai (韩凯)

Profession: UnknownHometown: Tieling City, Liaoning ProvinceDate filed: July 8, 2015

Key Facts:

Mr. Han Kai was forced to become homeless for 12 years to avoid harassment and arrest. His wife was tortured to death in February 2008, and his son was sentenced to four years in prison when he was at the university.

Mr. Han was taken to a forced labor camp for one year in 1999 because he went to Beijing to appeal for the right to practice Falun Gong. His cell phone, cash totalling 2,700 yuan, his identification card, and house keys were confiscated.

Mr. Han's Wife Died as a Result of Persecution

Mr. Han's wife, Ms. Sun Shuzhen, was given one year of forced labor in 2000 for going to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong.

She was arrested again in May 2001 when she went to her hometown to look after her injured father. The police tried to force her to tell them where her husband was. She told them she didn't know.

Police twisted her arm behind her back, fracturing it in the process. Ms. Sun was then pushed into a police van. The pain made her faint while in the van. An officer kicked her hard, saying that she was faking. The following day, police used an electric drill to break into her house. They ransacked her home and confiscated 4,000 yuan.

During her detention in prison, a guard shocked Ms. Sun's legs with an electric baton and kicked her. Years after she was released on medical bail, her legs were still bruised and ached.

“Because I didn't give in to the guards' demands, I wasn't allowed family visits. So I didn't have money to buy toilet tissue while in prison. I had to pick up packing paper from the rubbish bin and use that. Sometimes, I was forced to stand up before I finished using the toilet,” she stated in a complaint filed many years ago.

“I missed the time when the prison guards were handing out new cotton-padded clothes. They give new ones out every four years. I could have used an old suit of clothes, but because I refused to renounce my belief, the guard didn't even give me an old one. So I just wore my thermals when I was taken to the prison, and spent the winter in those light clothes (at -20 to -30° F at its coldest). I didn't have socks, so I had to clear the snow in my bare feet. My feet cracked and bled. I had to sleep on a wooden board without a blanket.

“Hungry and exhausted, I fell down one day, yet the guard ordered me to carry on working. I told her that I couldn't do it. Guards then beat me with a wooden stick. Two days later, I fell down again. My heart nearly stopped beating, half of my body became numb, and I was incontinent. I was dying. Alarmed by my deteriorating condition, the guards did not want to be responsible if I died in there, so they allowed me to be bailed out on medical parole on March 29, 2005.

“My family was also harassed. Police frequently went to my two sisters-in-law's homes to harass them. They broke into the homes of my parents-in-law, my sister-in-law, and my brother early one morning. My mother died from the stress and worry of me being imprisoned. My father died three months after my mother. My brother, only 48 years old, died soon after my father.”

Related Reports:Ms. Sun Suzhen, from Teiling City, Liaoning Province, Is Persecuted to Death (Photo)Sun Suzhen Persecuted to Death in Liaoning Province Women's Prison in 2005

Details of complaint in Chinese language

Mr. Jiang Hede (姜合德)

Profession: BusinessmanHometown: Laixi City, Shandong ProvinceDate filed: July 8, 2015

Key Facts:

Officers from the Binhelu Police Station ransacked Mr. Jiang's shop in August 2001. They confiscated three cassette players, all of his Dafa books, and 2,000 yuan.

Tortured at Detention and Brainwashing Centers

Mr. Jiang wrote in his complaint, “I was taken to the Laixi Detention Center in August 2001 just because I practice Falun Gong. The guards ordered the inmates to kick and punch me. The inmates used the heels of their shoes to kick me in the back. They flicked my eyeballs with their fingers and kneed me in the stomach. They also wrapped nylon string around my ears and fingers and pulled hard, pulling the skin off.

“I was taken to a brainwashing center in September 2001 later on and was only given a small bun for a meal. I was not allowed to go to the toilet. When I requested to go, the inmates sat on me, which hurt my full bladder. I had to relieve myself in my pants twice. I was handcuffed tightly and hung up, with my feet not touching the floor. The excruciating pain made me sweat.

“The inmates forced me to squat all the time and deprived me of sleep. Because I squatted for too long, my heel hurt so much that I could not walk. One night in November, inmates told me to help them to hang a Falun Gong practitioner up, but I refused. For my refusal, I was tied to a tree overnight. I wore only a shirt and thermal pants with no elastic. I trembled in the freezing cold, and my pants fell down. I was left like this until morning. The following day, I was pushed outside to stand in the cold again.

“Because of the brutal and severe torture, my illnesses relapsed. I was weak and bone-thin, and I couldn't sit or stand. The guards were frightened to take responsibility if I died in there, so I was released.”

Two Years of Forced Labor

Mr. Jiang was arrested at his shop in April 2004 again and given two years in a forced labor camp after 15 days detention.

He said in his complaint: “In an attempt to get me to give up my belief, four inmates and one guard watched me 24 hours in shifts and I wasn't allowed to sleep. They hit my head with a wooden ruler very hard if I fell asleep. My head was beaten until it bled.

“One day, five guards ordered me to copy parts of Chinese law, but I refused. I had not violated any law, and would not do this. They then shocked me with electric batons until the batteries ran out. They also forced me to watch videos slandering Falun Gong.”

Details of complaint in Chinese language

Mr. Zhang Zhihua (张治华)

Profession: Tea Making ExpertHometown: Macheng City, Hubei Province

Key Facts:

Mr. Zhang Zhihua has been arrested and detained a dozen times because of his belief in Falun Gong. He was taken to the local brainwashing center twice and had his home ransacked. In the end, he was given one year of forced labor.

During his detention, he was made to do forced labor from 5 a.m. until 11 p.m. He was also forced to sit on a small stool for a long periods each day, and watch videos slandering Falun Gong.

In May 2000, Officer Lu Zaolin broke into his house and ransacked it. His Dafa books, a cassette player, video player, and other items were confiscated. His family was forced to pay 4,700 yuan.

Due to his frequent arrests, Mr. Zhang had to interrupt his business, and he lost at least 500,000 yuan in revenue over the past 10 years.

Details of complaint in Chinese language


In 1999, Jiang Zemin, as head of the Chinese Communist Party, overrode other Politburo standing committee members and launched the violent suppression of Falun Gong.

The persecution has led to the deaths of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners in the past 16 years. More have been tortured for their belief and even killed for their organs. Jiang Zemin is directly responsible for the inception and continuation of the brutal persecution.

Under his personal direction, the Chinese Communist Party established an extralegal security organ, the “610 Office,” on June 10, 1999. The organization overrides police forces and the judicial system in carrying out Jiang's directive regarding Falun Gong: to ruin their reputations, cut off their financial resources, and destroy them physically.

Chinese law now allows for citizens to be plaintiffs in criminal cases, and many practitioners are exercising that right to file criminal complaints against the former dictator.