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A Few Words on Remaining Diligent

Nov. 22, 2015 |   By a practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) As I thought about the state of my cultivation, I found several areas that I need to do better with.

First, being more selfless.

In anything I do and any interaction I have with others, I should be considerate of others instead of thinking about myself—more specifically: I need to put myself in the other person's shoes.

Second, being more determined to improve in cultivation.

Master said,

“Some disciples said: 'What’s there to fear? My body would still sit there even with my head cut off.' When you compare them it’s clear at a glance how well they cultivate.” (“Huge Exposure” in Essentials for Further Advancement)

From this I can see the gap in levels between myself and other practitioners. I need to be very determined in order to eliminate all human notions and attachments.

Third, having pure thoughts when sending forth righteous thoughts.

Because of certain notions, such as the attachment to self and the attachment of fear of the Chinese Communist Party and the authorities in general, my sending forth righteous has limited power. I need to do better on this.