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Romanians Offer Support to Help Stop the Persecution of Falun Dafa

June 8, 2015 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Europe

(Minghui.org) Romanian Falun Dafa practitioners held activities to raise awareness at Saint George Square, right at the center of Bucharest on Saturday, May 30, 2015. Those who came across this activity were able to learn about the brutal persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners, which has been perpetrated by the communist regime for the last 16 years.

Banners and boards depicting photos and information about the persecution of Falun Dafa couldn't be missed, allowing passersby to sense the urgency of this abuse of human rights occurring in China. Falun Dafa practitioners on site demonstrated the meditative exercises, showing the crowds what Falun Dafa is about. Some of the other practitioners collected signatures for a petition to end the persecution, and others simply handed out flyers containing information about the persecution.

Romanian people signing a petition to stop the persecution in downtown Bucharest

Many passersby signed the DAFOH (Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting) petition, which aims to expose and stop the practice of live organ harvesting, which Falun Dafa practitioners in China are being subjected to.

Although many people could understand the significance of what these Falun Dafa practitioners were doing and signed the petition in support straight away, some people, however, were reluctant to show support. For example, one elderly gentleman was quite unconvinced that signing the petition would help. He changed his mind ultimately after talking with the practitioners and coming to a more thorough understanding of the persecution, and signed the DAFOH petition.

Even Chinese people who had previously known only the slanderous propaganda, spread by the communist regime, came across the activity. After learning the facts about the persecution, and about how wicked the communist regime is, some of them not only signed in support, but they also said they wished to renounce the communist party's organizations.

As a result of this activity in Saint George Square more people in Romania are now part of the growing force of people around the world who want the persecution to stop.