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Taiwan Politicians Support Criminal Complaints against Former Dictator Jiang Zemin

Aug. 31, 2015 |   By Minghui correspondents Sun Bai and Su Rong from Kaohsiung, Taiwan

(Minghui.org) Government officials and NGO executives in Taiwan are voicing support for a groundbreaking movement in China seeking justice for Falun Gong. To date, more than 160,000 people have filed criminal complaints against Jiang Zemin, the former head of Chinese Communist Party, for launching the persecution of Falun Gong in 1999.

The movement has also received strong support from residents in Taiwan. In Taichung and Hualien, Taiwan, more than 17,000 and 4,857 residents signed criminal report forms and petitions urging the Chinese authorities to bring Jiang Zemin to justice.

Taiwan Legislative Member: Jiang Would Have Been Sentenced a Long Time Ago if in a Democratic Country

Mr. Xu Zhijie, Member of Taiwan Legislative Yuan: “You Have My Support!”

Taiwan legislator Mr. Xu Zhijie gave thumbs up for the worthy effort. “I admire the courage of these Falun Gong practitioners and their family members for filing the complaints despite the safety threats they are facing. They are very brave,” he said. “I hope the current leadership doesn’t continue to carry out the persecution policy by Jiang Zemin, but protect Falun Gong practitioners and bring Jiang to justice.”

He added, “I often saw Falun Gong in Taiwan and in overseas countries. They are always so peaceful, healthy and kind. It’s a very outstanding community. You definitely have my support.”

Comparing China with democratic countries, legislator Xu said, “In western countries, it’s ruled by the law. But in China, Jiang put his personal will above the law. If he were in any of the democratic countries, including Taiwan, he would have been sentenced a long time ago.

“It’s absolutely unacceptable for us to allow any human rights abuses – including the sinful forced organ harvesting from live Falun Gong practitioners – to happen at all.

“I support the practitioners for suing Jiang Zemin. It’s their constitutional right, which should be protected.”

Kaohsiung City Councilor: We Should Deny Entry of Human Rights Abusers

Mr. Xiao Yongda, Kaohsiung City Councilor

A strong human rights advocate, Kaohsiung City Councilor Xiao Yongda is calling for the Kaohsiung government to take more action to monitor the safety of Falun Gong practitioners in China and to rescue them.

Councilor Xiao said, “As a human rights city, we have the responsibility to raise awareness of the human rights abuses in China. The human rights condition in China is also closely related to Taiwan. We don’t welcome human rights abusers from China to Kaohsiung. I’m proposing a bill to deny their entry to our city.”

Regarding the lawsuits against Jiang Zemin, he said, “It takes tremendous courage for Falun Gong practitioners in China to file these criminal complaints and we should voice our strong support for them.”

President of Taiwan Human Rights Alliance: Jiang Should Be Brought to Justice Now

Mr. Yang Xianhong, president of Taiwan Human Rights Alliance

The president of the Taiwan Human Rights Alliance and renowned host of Taiwan national radio station, Yang Xianhong, also praised the courage of Falun Gong practitioners who are suing Jiang.

“I have interviewed several practitioners who survived very harsh persecution,” he said. “I can relate to their tremendous inner strength. This is the right time to sue Jiang Zemin, and I believe the day to bring him to justice is near.”

“Without the practitioners' persistent pursuit of justice, the persecution would only become worse. It’s really inspiring to see how Falun Gong practitioners uphold their principles.”

He also urged the current leadership not to cover up for Jiang or become his accomplice. “In fact, I hope the vicious Communist Party will collapse soon,” he said. “Without the Communist Party, will there be hope for China.”

President of Junior Chamber International in Kaohsiung Cancels Business Investment Due to China’s Organ Harvesting Crimes

Mr. Huang Zhanghua, president of Junior Chamber International in Kaohsiung

Mr. Huang Zhanghua, the president of Junior Chamber International in Kaoshiung was shocked when he first heard about the state-sanctioned forced organ harvesting from imprisoned Falun Gong practitioners. He immediately canceled his investment plan in China.

“I saw many Falun Gong practitioners at the tourist sites in Taiwan. I used to think they were doing political activities, and that it had nothing to do with me. I didn’t realize at all the severity and brutality of the persecution they are suffering in China.

“The barbaric, evil crimes of organ harvesting shouldn’t be hidden anymore. The world needs to know,” he said. “I hope every Falun Gong practitioner continues their efforts. I believe it will eventually pay off. Jiang will be brought to justice. ”