(Minghui.org) “Falun Gong practice can help terminal cancer patients survive significantly longer, in addition to notable symptom improvement,” concluded a paper recently published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, which is published by the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO).
According to one of the authors, Dr. Yuhong Dong from Novartis, a global healthcare company in Basel, Switzerland, the study included a meta analysis of self-reported cases from Chinese cancer patients between 2000 and 2015 via a web platform. The eligible reports, which must be reviewed by two physicians, included only cases of terminal cancer with a Predicted Survival of less than 12 months and sufficient and verifiable medical information.
The researchers were able to collect 152 eligible reports. The primary cancers included lung, liver, stomach, leukemia, esophagus, gynecological, pancreas/bile duct, and colorectal. The average onset age of cancer was 53. All patients started to practice Falun Gong after being diagnosed, or their treatment failed. The average Falun Gong practice duration up to the report date was approximately 53 months.
The study focused on the Actual Survival up to the report date, symptom improvement, and quality of life.
Out of 152 patients, 149 were still alive. 97% patients reported complete symptom recovery. Compared with the average predicted survival, 5.1 months, the actual survival, 56 months, was significantly longer. The average time to symptom recovery after practicing Falun Gong was only 3.6 months. Several indexes measuring quality of life after practicing Falun Gong showed significant improvement.
Considering other therapeutic factors, the statistical analysis showed that the duration of Falun Gong practice was the dominating predictive factor for Actual Survival.
The paper, titled “An observational cohort study on terminal cancer survivors practicing Falun Gong (FLG) in China” was published in conjunction with the ASCO annual meeting in June, the largest international convention of clinical cancer and oncology research.
This study also included contributions by other five researchers from National Taiwan University, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, Imperial College London, Mind-Body Science Institute, and National Ilan University in Taiwan.
Category: Health Benefits