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Cherishing Dafa: People from All Walks of Life in China and 28 Countries Across the Globe Wish Master Li Hongzhi a Happy New Year

Jan. 2, 2017

(Minghui.org) From December 29 to January 1, Master Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Dafa (also known as Falun Gong), has received no less than 12,200 New Year's greetings from Falun Dafa practitioners and supporters worldwide. Greetings have poured in from 31 provinces and municipalities in China and 28 countries covering North and South America, the Asia and Pacific Area, and Europe.

Some of the greetings have been sent by groups of practitioners from exercise sites, some were sent by families of practitioners, and some were sent by individual practitioners.

Individual greeters are from all walks of life, including government officials, military officers, teachers, doctors, lawyers, and housewives. Some are veteran Falun Gong practitioners who took up this ancient Chinese cultivation practice before the persecution was launched in 1999; some have just recently started the journey of cultivation; some do not practice, but they know what Falun Gong really is and are very supportive; and some are law enforcement personnel who have been involved in the persecution, but who recognized the mistakes they have made and now want to make amends.

Many greeters have expressed their appreciation to Master Li Hongzhi for healing their illnesses, restoring their health and renewing their lives. Most greeters highlighte how the principal teaching of Falun Gong – Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance – has shown them the direction for their lives. Some newcomers have stated that due to practitioners' efforts, more and more people now know what Falun Gong really is and many have joined the practice recently.

No suppression or propaganda can change the facts of the beneficial effect of Falun Gong and the solid will to cultivate Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.

Despite the severe persecution and facing the risk of being imprisoned, Falun Gong practitioners in China solidly hold to their belief and clarify the truth to the public. It is a miracle that Falun Gong has spread to more than 100 countries despite the 17-year persecution of the practice in China.

Due to the Chinese regime's internet blockade, many practitioners and non-practitioners cannot send their greetings to Minghui.org. However, from the greetings received, the amazing power of Master Li Hongzhi and Falun Gong are apparent.

Below are several greetings from practitioners in mainland China:

A group of practitioners from Beijing wish Master Li a Happy New Year. Among them is a practitioner in their 80s. Some practitioners in this group have cultivated for more than 20 years. They have encountered miracles more than once while practicing Falun Gong. They truly see the preciousness of the opportunity to cultivate in Falun Gong.

An artist from Weihai painted this image of plum blossoms in snow as a New Year gift to Master Li Hongzhi.

A practitioner from Jilin Province wishes Master Li a Happy New Year. He said that the only way to repay Master Li is to cultivate more diligently in the new year.

Practitioners who are imprisoned in Jiaozhou Prison, Shandong Province wish Master Li a Happy New Year. They expressed the will to solidly cultivate and will not give up their belief, even in jail.

A policeman from Bazhong City, Sichuan Province, wishes Master Li a Happy New Year. He wrote, “Due to ignorance, I was involved in the persecution of Falun Gong. Now, I know that I made terrible mistakes. Here I apologize and ask Master Li for forgiveness.”

The husband of a practitioner in Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province, wishes Master Li a Happy New Year. In his note he wrote, “Practicing Falun Gong healed my wife's illnesses. In the last 21 years, she hasn't had to take any medicine. Master has helped my entire family many times. Everybody in my family, including my grandson, follows the principle of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. I am very grateful to Master Li and Falun Gong.”

Below are greetings from practitioners from 28 countries and areas, including Canada, America, Switzerland, Israel, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Finland, Thailand, France, Denmark, Australia, Japan, Malaysia, Moldova, Romania, Indonesia, Turkey, Serbia, Poland, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Scotland, Sweden, Taiwan, Macao, and Hong Kong.
