(Minghui.org) I used to suffer from severe insomnia. I was told that the left cortex of my brain was working four times more than normal, and there was nothing that could be done about it. I spent the majority of my life taking antidepressants and powerful sleeping pills, which had side effects such as thoughts of suicide. Yet none of the drugs helped—I quit using them.

I also had a quarrelsome personality and I constantly argued with people. Even though I was fond of my family, I was also constantly fighting with them—I was very tense. I seemed to gain almost no pleasure out of life, and I was using a variety of drugs to be able to enjoy life. Because I had insomnia, I drank all types of alcoholic drinks until I knocked myself out. I looked very weak and ill.

My brother eventually introduced me to Falun Dafa, and I started doing the exercises. Within three short weeks, I realized that I could fall asleep the minute my head hit the pillow. I also started getting along very well with everyone. I felt so happy and peaceful, like I had never felt before. In time, the other substances I used were completely unnecessary and I stopped using them. I was able to accomplish all this without any medical help, thanks to Master’s Dafa and Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.

I now get along very well with my family and everyone else. My mother and all of my friends and relatives can't believe how much I’ve changed. Everyone used to run away from me, but now they make an effort to be with me. I can now sleep when I wish, I no longer cause difficulties for people, nor do I depend on any chemical substances. I live a truly peaceful, worry-free life, thanks to Falun Dafa.

I am only anxious about how to be a better person. I would like to thank Master Li Hongzhi. Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is truly good!