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Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day in Russia, Germany, Italy, Romania, and Ireland

May 15, 2017

(Minghui.org) May 13, 2017 marked 25 years since Falun Dafa was first introduced to the public. May 13 is also the birthday of Falun Dafa founder Master Li Hongzhi.

In celebration of this special day, practitioners around the world held a series of activities, including rallies, parades, musical performances, and exercise demonstrations. They also continued their efforts to raise awareness of the persecution in China, and in particular, the Chinese regime's state-sanctioned killing of practitioners by harvesting their organs for the lucrative transplant trade.

Practitioners took the opportunity to express their deep respect and gratitude to Master Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Dafa, who made the teachings of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance available to improve their physical and mental wellbeing. They respectfully wished Master Li a Happy Birthday.

In this report we present celebration activities in the five European countries of Russia, Germany, Italy, Romania, and Ireland.


Practitioners in Russia celebrated this special occasion with local residents and tourists in a park in Moscow on May 13.

The practitioners presented dancing, singing, lion dancing, a waist drum performance, and a Falun Dafa exercise demonstration. They also informed the public about the persecution of practitioners in China, and collected signatures calling for an end to the persecution. Many people read the flyers carefully and signed the petition to support the practitioners' efforts.

Practitioners talk to passersby about Falun Dafa and the persecution in China.

A parade in the park with dancing and waist drums.

Exercise demonstration in a Moscow park.

The host introduces the five sets of exercises to local people.

A man signs the petition calling for an end to the persecution.

Children enjoy the lion dancing.

Practitioners have a photo taken to wish revered Master Li a Happy Birthday.


Practitioners in North Rhine-Westphalia held their celebration activities in the capital, Dusseldorf, on May 13.

Through the practitioners' exercise demonstration, musical performances, and raising awareness of the ongoing persecution, many people were able to learn about the peacefulness of this ancient spiritual practice and the brutality of the persecution in China. They signed a petition calling for an end to the persecution.

Practitioners demonstrate the Falun Dafa exercises.

Local people listen to a practitioner talking about Falun Dafa and the persecution.

The host introduces a Pipa performance.

A practitioner talks to a passerby.

Three young people want to learn more after reading the display board.

People sign a petition to support Falun Dafa.


In Milan, practitioners continued their usual task of spreading the facts about Falun Dafa and the persecution, as well as marking the special day on May 13. They demonstrated the exercises, set up display boards. and helped passersby understand what is happening in China.

Many people were shocked to learn that the Chinese regime has killed innocent people and harvested their organs. They signed a petition calling for an end to the brutality.

Practitioners in Milan respectfully wish Master Li a Happy Birthday.

A little girl follows the practitioners doing the exercise movements.

Practitioners talk to passersby about the persecution in China.

People sign a petition calling for an end to the persecution.


Practitioners gathered in front of the Chinese Embassy on May 13 to protest the persecution of Falun Dafa. This ancient spiritual practice has brought peace, and physical and mental wellbeing to people around the world since its public introduction 25 years ago.

Practitioners hold pictures of those who have been killed in China for their faith in Falun Dafa.

One of the banners practitioners displayed read, “Jiang Zemin Commits Crimes Against Humanity by Persecuting Falun Dafa.” Jiang was the former head of the Chinese Communist Party who launched and directed the persecution of Falun Dafa, beginning in 1999.


Practitioners in Ireland celebrated the anniversary a week ahead on May 6, by holding a rally and parade in downtown Dublin. They also presented cultural performances, including a Lotus Dance, Lion Dance, Tang Drum performance, and a Falun Dafa exercise demonstration. Some practitioners shared how Falun Dafa has uplifted their lives, and expressed deep respect and gratitude to Master Li.

Practitioners in Ireland respectfully wish Master Li a Happy Birthday.

Parade in downtown Dublin to celebrate World Falun Dafa Day.

Practitioners demonstrate the Falun Dafa exercises.

Many residents were drawn to the celebration. They were shocked to learn that such a peaceful and beautiful practice has been persecuted in China for 18 years. Many people signed a petition calling for an end to the persecution, and in particular, the Chinese regime's state-sanctioned killing of practitioners and harvesting their organs for profit.

Related articles in Chinese:http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2017/5/14/爱尔兰法轮功学员庆祝法轮大法日-谢师恩(图)-348058.htmlhttp://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2017/5/14/意大利学员庆祝法轮大法弘传25周年(图)-348055.htmlhttp://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2017/5/14/罗马尼亚法轮功学员中使馆前和平抗议迫害(图)-348056.htmlhttp://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2017/5/14/俄罗斯法轮功学员与民众同庆世界法轮大法日(图)-348057.html