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Young Falun Dafa Practitioners Respectfully Wish Master Li Hongzhi Happy Chinese New Year! (20 Greetings)

Jan. 23, 2020

(Minghui.org) As we welcome the Chinese New Year 2020, many young practitioners in China have sent cards and messages of greeting to express their sincere gratitude to the founder of Falun Dafa for teaching them the practice as well as to wish him Happy Chinese New Year!

Below are a collection of the 20 greetings sent from young practitioners in the following areas:

TianjinNanjing, Jiangsu ProvinceLinqu County, Qingdao and Laiyang, Shandong ProvinceDaqing and Jiamusi, Heilongjiang ProvinceChengdu, Sichuan ProvinceDalian, Qingyuan, Anshan and Fushun, Liaoning ProvinceXi’an, Shaanxi ProvinceDehui, Jilin ProvinceShanghai

Young Practitioners Wish Revered Master a Happy Chinese New Year!