(Minghui.org) As pandemic restrictions have lifted, Australian Falun Gong practitioners have held activities in the past two months in Sydney to introduce this traditional mind-body cultivation practice and raise awareness of the persecution of Falun Gong in China. The practitioners’ activities have drawn the attention of many people.
Event held in front of Town Hall. People sign the petition calling to end the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
Signing the petition calling to end the CCP
The practitioners held banners worded “Falun Dafa is great,” “Heaven disintegrates the CCP,” “Quit the CCP organizations to stay safe from the CCP virus,” and “The CCP initially covered up the coronavirus outbreak, leading to disaster to the world.” Many people signed the petition calling to end the CCP.
People talk with Falun Gong practitioners and sign the petition.
Falun Gong practitioners hold banners at Broadway Shopping center.
An Undergraduate Student: The Whole World Should Unite to End the CCP
Nikita Hussein, a student at the University of Sydney, signed the petition calling to end the CCP. She said she knew that the coronavirus pandemic was due to the CCP’s initial cover-up of the outbreak. She thought the whole world should unite to end the Party.
Nikita said that the practitioners' activities were a good means to let more people learn about the CCP and stay away from it. She said, “I read information about the CCP’s crimes. I also know the CCP’s state-sanctioned live organ harvesting, which is definitely wrong. You are doing great today.”
Martina learned about Falun Gong in front of Town Hall on October 29. She thought Falun Gong was a great meditation practice for health and fitness. She learned that many people practiced Falun Gong, leading to the paranoia of the CCP regime's leader. Worried about maintaining China's dictatorship, he started the persecution of practitioners who live by the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.
Teacher: The Sooner to Stop the CCP’s Persecution, the Better
Julie Georgopoulos and her daughter
Julie Georgopoulos and her daughter signed the petition calling to end the CCP. Julie said she'd heard about the CCP’s live organ harvesting and remarked that the coronavirus pandemic across the world let her know the CCP’s nature. She agrees with Falun Gong’s principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance but not the CCP’s lies and violence.
Julie pointed out that the CCP has brainwashed Chinese people. Many countries keep silent about China’s poor human rights record in order to protect their economic interests. Thus, the CCP is bullying the whole world.
She appreciated the practitioners for helping people learn about the CCP’s nature, and said the sooner the CCP ends, the better.
Japanese-Australian: Justice Will Prevail
Yoko and Simon Paige drove three hours from Bathurst to Sydney. As they passed the practitioners' activity, they paused to learn about Falun Gong and sign the petition.
Yoko said that the CCP mistreats Chinese people and does so many wrong deeds. She dislikes the Party. Yet she believes that justice will prevail.
Simon said that the CCP has infiltrated Australia and the world. Both said that the whole world should stop the CCP’s live organ harvesting. Otherwise, the CCP would spread its evilness across the globe.
Demonstrating the Falun Gong exercises
Event on Martin Place
Communism Is Absolutely a Disaster to Humankind
Rosslyn Alexander wishes to distribute the flier about Falun Gong at her church.
Greg supports ending the CCP.
Greg signed the petition on November 27. He explained why communism cannot be allowed: “Because communism is against humanity. People across the world should object to communism. There is no perfect social system, but communism is absolutely a disaster.”
He thought that Falun Gong is a great practice as it teaches people to be good. He said that the CCP’s brutal persecution of so many years must be from the order of the former head of the CCP. Greg believes that the dictator must be tried by an international tribunal.