(Minghui.org) My sister works in a hospital in Wuhan. Because the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) censored news about the epidemic, most people did not know how serious it was, including my family. When my sister visited on January 17, she mentioned a pneumonia that was going around. Later we had a family dinner. By then, my sister's husband had been running a fever and coughing for three days. We didn't pay any attention, and my sister continued going to work.
On January 23, she phoned me and said that she was probably infected. She felt sick and weak, her throat hurt, and she coughed and had a fever. I told her that Master Li (the founder of Falun Dafa) would protect her and asked her to have an examination. I later learned that several physicians and nurses in her department were infected. It wasn't clear whether she got it from her patients or from her husband.
She told me that the examination result was negative (it was actually positive, but she thought it was negative). She decided to stay home in self-isolation. But on January 29, she called me again because she had gotten sicker. The CT result showed that she was infected and it was serious.
I asked her to stay with me and listen to Master's lectures. I said, “You'll be fine if you take my suggestion.” She knew that there was no treatment for this disease, so she did as I asked. I played the audio recording of Master Li Hongzhi's lectures in Guangzhou for her.
While she stayed with me, she received countless phone calls every day. Her friends wanted her help getting checked into her hospital. They said they were infected but the hospitals were too full to take them. My sister told them that she was sick too but couldn't get checked into her own hospital. She pointed out that even if her hospital had vacancies, they only took their own employees. so she could not help them.
She received several phone calls, and some of her friends were dying. She was afraid that she'd also die.
We knew the CCP was isolating people only to quarantine them, not to treat them. People who'd been there said there was no special treatment; being placed in isolation meant waiting for death. When my sister heard this, she decided to completely rely on Falun Dafa.
I took care of her, and I was fine. I knew Master was protecting me. We spoke in depth about Falun Dafa and what truly caused this epidemic. I said, “Look, the rest of the family is fine because we all believe in Falun Dafa and we have the courage to clarify the truth to people. If you truly trust Dafa, you'll be protected too.” She agreed.
As I suggested, she repeated, “Falun Dafa is good” and “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” She also allowed me to talk to her friends about Dafa when they phoned her.
Master did protect her. She had another CT exam during the first week of February, which showed that her sickness was under control and she was getting better. When she had herself checked again, the result was negative. My sister has now recovered.
Her husband also came to stay with me. At first, he couldn't eat or drink, and he had a fever. After listening to Master's lectures for a few days, he was able to eat and his fever was gone. He has also fully recovered
Category: Wuhan Virus