(Minghui.org) I was a middle school teacher 17 years ago. Because I went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong twice, I was considered a key target by the authorities. Agents from the town’s 610 Office and the management in our school secretly talked to my parents and threatened them.
In September 2003, someone told me that a brainwashing session was to be held and my name was on the list to be taken there. I said without thinking, “They won’t reach their goal,” and added a thought when sending forth righteous thoughts: Eradicate all evil beings and factors that want to persecute me in other dimensions, destroy all of their wicked plots against me.
Domestic Security Division and 610 Officers Arrested Practitioners
The Domestic Security Division and 610 Office assigned officers to arrest Falun Gong practitioners on a large scale in November of that year. Some practitioners were arrested at their businesses, with the store doors left open. Some were arrested at home, and some were arrested while they were working in the fields. The officers arrested practitioners, but I was not afraid. I thought that I can’t let Master down. I should let go of my attachment to fear and other human notions. I should strengthen my righteous thoughts, and never be arrested.
I studied the Fa and sent forth righteous thoughts at home everyday. After finishing one lecture in Zhuan Falun, I read Master’s other teachings until late at night. I liked to study the Fa with a calm mind, and that state was so magnificent, as I was fully immersed in each character of the Fa. My focus was very strong, and any negative thoughts disappeared.
Many conflicts happened at the time. I couldn’t keep up my xinxing, and always quarreled with my mother. I couldn’t get up early in the morning because of my laziness. However, I enjoyed studying the Fa. I organized Master’s new articles very well so after I studied them the night before, it was easy for me to remember from where to study the Fa the next day.
Around December 10, I naturally woke up very early. My mind was very clear, so I started to read Teachings Given on Lantern Festival Day, 2003. Every word was imprinted into my mind. Master answered a practitioner’s question about interference from the old forces.
“... Master doesn’t acknowledge them. And you shouldn’t acknowledge them either. Do things well in an upright and dignified way, negate them, and strengthen your righteous thoughts some. “I’m Li Hongzhi’s disciple, I don’t want other arrangements or acknowledge them”—then they won’t dare to do that. So it can all be resolved. When you can really do that, not just saying it but putting it into action, Master will definitely stand up for you. What’s more, there are lots of Fa guardians around Master, there are lots of Buddhas, Daos, and Gods, and there are even greater beings, and they will all participate, because forced persecution that’s not acknowledged is a crime, and the cosmos’s old laws don’t allow it either—irrational persecution absolutely is not allowed, and the old forces don’t dare to do it if that is the situation. So you should do things as righteously as you can.” (Teachings Given on Lantern Festival Day, 2003)
It was nearing 6 a.m., so I sent forth righteous thoughts and was in an extremely good state. After breakfast, I headed off to work. When I was close to the entrance to our residential community, I noticed a black car parked on the other side of the street. I didn’t pay it much attention and rode my bicycle to school. When I arrived there, I saw the same black car again.
During the third class, the chief of our school told me several times to stop my class and to go his office, but I refused. It was nearing the end of the class, and I saw the principal and two other men standing in the hallway.
I had a feeling that they planed to arrest me, but I wasn’t scared. I then told students that there was nothing wrong in believing in Falun Dafa with the core principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Some of the students cried, as the chief grabbed my arm and walked me to the office.
I tried to walk out of the room, but was pushed back. When the bell rang for the fourth class to begin, two men grabbed my arms and dragged me to the black car parked outside. I recited “On Dafa” loudly in the car, as they took me to a brainwashing center.
Master’s Fa appeared in my mind,
“I’m Li Hongzhi’s disciple, I don’t want other arrangements or acknowledge them”—then they won’t dare to do that. So it can all be resolved.” (Teachings Given on Lantern Festival Day, 2003)
“… because forced persecution that’s not acknowledged is a crime, and the cosmos’s old laws don’t allow it either—irrational persecution absolutely is not allowed, and the old forces don’t dare to do it if that is the situation. So you should do things as righteously as you can.” (Teachings Given on Lantern Festival Day, 2003)
I thought: I won’t acknowledge anything arrange by the old forces. I didn’t answer any of their questions, nor did I sign anything. The guards slapped my face.
During the over 10 days of detention, I recited the Fa every day, including “On Dafa”and Hong Yin. When I wasn’t reciting the Fa, I sent forth righteous thoughts quietly, eliminating all of the old force factors around the brainwashing center. I kept up my righteous thoughts even when I was asleep.
I noticed that my keys were still in my pocket. I didn’t say anything. I thought to try one of them in the keyhole, and after a few tries managed to unlock the door. The guards threatened me before that if I wasn’t “transformed”, they would take me to a labor camp. I knew that I should leave the brainwashing center.
I shared my plan with another practitioner, who agreed to come with me. We started sending forth righteous thoughts to eliminate all of the old force factors in other dimensions that were controlling the guards.
One morning, the person in charge went out and the other guards played cards in the yard. The practitioner and I went to the door and used the key to open it. Then we left. A few days later, the brainwashing class was dismantled.
It was because we followed Master’s Fa and didn’t acknowledge the old forces arrangements. We eliminated the evil with righteous thoughts and thus a miracle happened in this dimension of ours.