Whenever I encounter young practitioners, I admire them very much because they have to work, maintain a family, and still put great effort into Hongfa. On the other hand, I am retired and I do not have to worry about housework. I really wanted to contribute more (for Dafa). When Allen Zeng mentioned that he could use a helping hand promoting Dafa to people in Guatemala, I figured even though I may not have much to offer, at least I could help arranging chairs and handing out brochures.
After completing our introductory workshop, Naresh asked me to stay longer and run a 9-day video workshop in his temple at home. Suddenly, the feeling of fearing of an unfamiliar place overwhelmed me. Quickly, I calmed down. Even after he told me that some of the students may smoke marijuana, I kept my composure. I told him so long as they do not force me to smoke it I will be all right. James also said that Dafa practitioners are quite outstanding in their manners. Come to think of it, no body smoked marijuana during the class. Vasu brought up that Naresh has a bad tempered neighbor. This guy drops in regularly, and oftentimes speaks foul language. We saw this guy just before the nine-day seminar and he disclosed that he might be dropping by the next day, but he never showed up.
There were 15 people attending the class on the first day. Only half as many showed up the second day. They apologetically said that they would rather just learn the exercises, not Dafa itself. The second day due to some confusion on my part, I switched the tape, ending up putting the first days videotape in my bag. I found out my mistake only after arriving at Nareshs home. I was very tense and didnt know what to do. Naresh calmly replied that we can watch the second day lecture tomorrow. So instead we opened Zhuan Falun and started reading the book. We read and exchanged our perspective. It turned out that they liked this arrangement. It helped them to comprehend better the lectures on video and further their understanding about how to study Dafa. From this day on we always spent enough time on discussions and exchanging experiences. One of the topics we discussed is about Shifus voice in the bilingual video. They were not used to it at the beginning. After I explained to them why we must maintain Shifus voice they got over it. Mona even mentioned one day that Shifus voice was too low, and she could not hear it.
The day Shavda joined the introductory workshop she was bitten twice by a large scorpion. Then she twisted her knee before coming to the nine-day class. But she was not bothered and continued with the class. On the 6th day she could see the Falun in color! Shavda asked me if it was okay for her to tell the others about her seeing the Falun, without being a show off. I was deeply touched by her good enlightenment quality. I told her it would be OK if she did not have the showoff mentality. When we were studying practicing only one cultivation, I discussed my own discernment: each of us has only one body. If one really wants to cultivate, one must practice only one cultivation way. Most of them had some reservations listening to me, because they have been exposed to numerous, yet different cultivation stuff before, and they were used to combining their cultivation practice. After getting home, Shavda again practiced her old stuff. But after practicing a while she could feel the blockage of energy in her hands. Only then she personally experienced the significance of practicing only one cultivation way. After coming back to the class she informed everyone of her experience and they all believed her.
There were times when we encountered difficulties. One day someone suddenly said: I would rather just practice. But I dont want to read the book, nor do I need a Master. I was rather astonished by his words. Right away, I realized that this is an opportunity for my cultivation. I calmed down, and asked him placidly: Do you truly feel this way? He was quite surprised by my unperturbed reply and my composure. Following him two other students also raised their objection to the term of Cultivation Level. They also voiced their rejection of the term ordinary people. After I gave that some thought, I suggested to them that they may perceive those two phrases differently if they can look at the phrases without prejudice and emotion. Orthodox cultivation will not discriminate against anyone. The following day both of them expressed openly that their previous comments were just previous day comments. They no longer felt the same way now.
On one occasion we discussed how to address Shifu. I told them Shifu did not mind how you addressed him: call him teacher, or mister. Both are acceptable. So they asked me how would I address Master Li. I said I address him as Shifu. They wondered what does Shifu mean. I explained to them the meaning of the two Chinese words that made up Shifu. They immediately said that they would use the word Shifu from now on They felt that Master was not perceived as sacred and as revered as Shifu. I noticed Vasus eyes got wet after I spelled out the meaning of Shifu.
Vasu has good enlightenment quality. One day she accidentally tripped coming down the staircase. She figured the cup that she was holding for sure would be broken and cut her hands. But she cried out Shifu and ended up without breaking a thing, a cup or herself. It was such a miracle. Before then she used Qigong to heal others illnesses, since she did not have other means to make a living. After the nine-day class, she understood the Fa principles, and made up her mind to give up her healing business.
The atmosphere got even better towards the later part of the nine-day seminar. There were six students who stayed until the completion of the last lecture. Upon departure we all felt inseparable. Someone suggested to collect the ferry fare for us. I graciously told them that Dafa will always be free to all. Andrea objected: You gave us so much, why not allow us to show you our gratitude and appreciation? I replied without thinking: Because I am a Dafa practitioner, but you are not, yet. Monna became wary. Early on they inquired how to qualify themselves as Dafa practitioners and I told them: Read the book, practice, and always measure themselves with the standard set by Dafa. She said they should also be counted as Dafa practitioners now. I laughed and apologized to them: Yes, yes, you are also Dafa practitioners.
Since the nine-day seminar was held in the mountain and during the new year/new millennium holiday seasons, a lot of people could not make it. They really would like us to visit them again. Shavda even wanted me to stay for one more nine-day seminar, offering one more opportunity for them. Andrea volunteered to take on the effort of getting some books and to get in touch with bookstores. She even wanted to organize a group practice. Naresh proposed that we go to Antigue (old capital) to Hongfa. He said there would be more people interested in receiving Dafa. He would make arrangements to put us in contact with the right people.
They also provided suggestions for improvement on how we could better conduct our workshop class: The class should not even mention Qigong, but get directly into Dafa and Zhen-Shan-Ren. We should emphasize cultivating our xinxing (mind, nature) with Zhen-Shan-Ren as our standard. We could not underscore the significance of studying Fa, as well as the complementary role of the practice itself. Isnt that what Shifu said? I could already see the transformation and ascent of their xinxing.
Our trip to Guatemala has ended. This is also a journey of my cultivation. My personal reward could not be measured, seen or written on paper. One of the new students told me I got more black hair than upon my arrival.
After I got home after many hours of travel, I had already received emails from the new students there. Marvelous!
Category: Parades & Other Community Events