When I first learned from the Internet that the Western U.S. Falun Dafa Association was going to hold an experience-sharing conference and had scheduled large-scale Dafa-promoting activities, my first thought was that I should offer my support. I remembered that the New York Dafa-promotion activities in early September, supported by practitioners from different states in the U.S. and countries, had been very successful. The weeklong activities in New York had had a tremendous impact on Dafa-protection and promotion, and deeply touched the hearts of individuals and governments all over the world. It is an obligation and duty for each practitioner to protect and promote Falun Dafa. Our supporting each other can really make things go easier with less effort. So, I arrived in San Francisco. Raising the Banner with "Falun Dafa" in front of the people (October 20) I was one of the five practitioners who held the large banner with "Falun Dafa" in English. "Falun Dafa" was written in blue on a yellow background. We were at the end of the parade followed by police vehicles. My heart was filled with the sacred compassion of Falun Dafa as I held the banner and walked one step after another. I thought about the fellow practitioners in China: what kind of courage they must have to raise a banner like this one in Tiananmen Square, and how many attachments they must abandon as well. It could be a highly treasured doctorate degree given up by a graduate student; or the life-long accumulated wealth of a businessman; or the love for her children by a mother; or a many year relationship of a loving couple ... So many practitioners who raised banners in the Square knew very well what awaited them. The banner would be taken away by the police before it was opened, or was just opened for ten seconds; then the practitioners would be beaten, jailed, sentenced, or even killed. Why is the treatment received by us on the other side of the Pacific Ocean so different, where we had the same banner, and the same kind of police were in the parade? It is Jiang Zemin, the dictator, who shall be judged by history for his cruelty. I realized that my duty to hold the banner was sacred and important because I knew that I was fulfilling the dream of my fellow practitioners in China -- to have the banner seen by all people. An Historic Moment -- Master Coming to the Conference (October 21) When it was announced that our Master had come to the Conference, I felt that I was a small boat floating in a vast ocean that had suddenly spotted the bright navigation light on the leading ship. For the past one and a half years, I oftentimes did not know where I should sail my boat to. I was afraid to take a wrong course, and I hoped and waited for our Master to appear in front of me, though I knew I shouldn't have. I should continue my journey with "the Fa as my teacher." I did not know whether I failed to truly have the Fa as my teacher, or if I just hid under the cover of my attachment and evil nature. As a result, I oftentimes could not handle my boat well, and on several occasions I nearly capsized. Tears streamed down my face when Master began his speech with: "It's been so long," and I didn't stop crying from that moment until the end of the speech. I regretted so much that I hadn't realized the importance of rectifying the Fa, and I felt guilty for not participating actively in explaining the truth about Falun Dafa to people in the world at a time when our Master and our fellow practitioners in China are withstanding unprecedented tribulations. Although Master's speech lasted only 30 minutes, I was shaken by his each and every compassionate and solemn word. When he mentioned his gratitude to the governments of the United States and Canada for the honors they had extended to Falun Dafa and himself, saying that he would bring them wonderful things in their future, I understood much better the meaning of his poem, It's Lonely High up There, -- "I labor for beings in heaven through great sufferings, and I care for humans on earth with pains to every detail; Who is there able to share my thoughts? It is lonely high up there." Our Master not only rectifies the Fa and enables practitioners to establish their mighty virtue and reach Consummation, he also has to care for the future happiness of all worthy lives in the universe. All the practitioners present could not find the words to fully express their love, reverence, and gratitude towards our great Master. On my way back home after the Conference, I felt I was transforming. It was as if every cell in my body, from the microscopic to the macroscopic level, could see very clearly how I should do as taught by our Master in Rationality: "Validate the Fa with reason, clarify the truth with wisdom, spread the Fa and offer people salvation with benevolence." A practitioner from the New York City area October 26, 2000
Thoughts on the Recent San Francisco Experience-Sharing Conference

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