On Sat. June 3rd, 2000, in Barrie, Ontario, there was a fair called "The Celebration of Life". It took place along Barrie's beautiful waterfront. Over a dozen of practitioners (mostly from Toronto metro area) demonstrated the exercises from approximately 10am until 4pm. There were many interested on lookers.
It was a warm sunny day, although the weather in Barrie was cool the day before and the day after the celebration. An interested photographer from a local newspaper came to take pictures of the peaceful Falun Dafa exercises and proceeded to publish the picture in the paper the following Mon. with a breif description stating that Falun Dafa is a Cultivation system of the mind, body and spirit.
At 4pm, some practitioners had to leave and six practitioners took a break for dinner and then returned to the park to have group study until 8pm. Such a large group demonstration was very special to have in a small town with few practitioners.
Category: Parades & Other Community Events