Recently another practitioner and I had the pleasure of introducing Falun Dafa to a group of 17 senior citizens at the Oshawa Senior Citizens Center. We had a meal with the group, which was bestowed upon us with great care. Afterwards, we went downstairs and began distributing a variety of materials, such as the Falun Dafa Quarterly and a list of different cities that have proclaimed Falun Dafa Week /Day. We then went on to give a brief introduction to Falun Dafa. We started the exercises and explained the practice as we went along with the group following our example. The seniors were all gentlemen except for one lady--a Tai Chi teacher who had heard that Falun Dafa was being introduced and came down to join us. All of the seniors joined in and were very enthusiastic about learning the exercises. They were very swift to learn the practice and some of them felt warm very quickly. Some of the gentlemen were unable to sit on the floor, so we explained to them that to sit on the edge of a chair with their feet crossed would also be fine, and a few of them did so. We spoke to them about the benefits of the practice--that they would have more energy and feel less stress--and they were pleased to hear this.
They were also curious to know why the Chinese government was persecuting Falun Dafa. We explained that, due to the large number of people practicing Falun Dafa in China--more than the total number of party members themselves--the Chinese Leaders appeared to be insecure of their power and authority. They also asked how we could be so organized. One practitioner explained that all the books and tapes belonged to him, and that everything is freely and voluntarily done by practitioners who wish to help others obtain the benefits of Falun Dafa.
After the presentation, they were all very responsive and thanked us. Some of the gentlemen and the lady wanted to know where they could do the practice. Some suggested that we could also introduce Falun Dafa to another senior center a few miles away, which they felt would also be interested. We thanked the seniors for giving us the opportunity to introduce Falun Dafa to them. It was a very rewarding experience.
Practitioners in Canada
Category: Parades & Other Community Events