Falun Dafa Books:

During the evening of August 28, TV stations in Yixian, Dingxing, Xushui and other northern regions surrounding Baoding City in Hebei Province aired the Dafa videos, "Witness and Testimony" and "Falun Dafa Around the World." Under the current situation in China, the broadcast of Falun Gong truth-videos is upholding the freedom of speech given to the Chinese people by the Constitution. This kind of broadcast upholds the people's right to know the truth and presents an opportunity for the Chinese national media to deliver truthful information instead of lies and slander.

Mr Tung Chee Hwa

Office of the Chief Executive

Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

5/F Central Government Offices

Main Wing, Lower Albert Road

Hong Kong

30 ...

                    Image for article Letter from UK MP to Hong Kong Chief Executive


I am a Falun Dafa practitioner from Changchun. I went to Beijing for the second time to appeal on January 1, 2001. Because of this ...

                    Image for article Yinmahe Forced Labor Camp Officials in Jilin Province Insert Electric Baton into Practitioner's Rectum and Shock Him for More Than an Hour


OTTAWA, July 8, 2002

The Hon. Bill Graham

Minister of Foreign Affairs

House of Commons

Ottawa, Ontario


Dear Minister:

As you are surely ...

                    Image for article Letter from Canadian Member of Parliament Marlene Jennings to the Minister of Foreign Affairs Bill Graham

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