(Clearwisdom.net) Recently, CCTV [the main Chinese government TV station] reported on a notice posted on Minghui Net [Chinese version of Clearwisdom.net] that asks for information on torture used against Falun Gong practitioners in Mainland China. This report by CCTV intentionally obscured the details of the notice and only published several lines of it, including "information on torture." All photos of the torture of Falun Gong practitioners published on Minghui Net are clearly marked with whether they are re-enactment photos or actual photos. The CCTV report used a large part of the article to describe in vivid detail the making of the torture demonstration photo while omitting the word "reenactment," in an attempt to mislead the viewers into thinking that Falun Gong practitioners made up the pictures and that the tortures never took place. The torture demonstration pictures are re-enactments based on the victims' description, and their purpose is to recreate the brutal torture inflicted upon Falun Gong practitioners. However, the Jiang group's mouthpiece media claims Falun Gong practitioners were "creating false pictures of the persecution."
The notice on Minghui Net explicitly states that the torture reenactment photos are used to expose the tortures Falun Gong practitioners suffer in China, and they are used during anti-torture exhibitions held by overseas practitioners. Since most overseas practitioners have never seen or experienced those forms of torture, they need information from practitioners inside China. The notice mentions that overseas practitioners should "make their own intelligent decisions" when dealing with technical issues involving videotaping, painting and live demonstrations. The Jiang group took this phrase and claimed that Minghui Net is encouraging tortures to be made and therefore their depiction is untruthful. This is also a part of the notice that the official report has deliberately obscured. Since the Jiang group has failed to block the Internet, many people inside China are able to access Minghui Net. The original URL of this notice is http://minghui.ca/mh/articles/2004/8/12/81550.html (Chinese only)
The Jiang group has spent large amounts of money to block certain websites on the Internet and to control and infiltrate overseas TV stations, radio stations, and newspapers in order to cover up the truth about the persecution. Falun Gong practitioners inside China have risked their lives to deliver information on the tortures they were subjected to. In October 2004, the Chinese government issued an arrest warrant for Gao Rongrong, because a picture of her disfigured face from electric shock torture was delivered to overseas practitioners and used in anti-torture exhibitions. Right now, many practitioners are accused of "divulging state secrets" and are being illegally held in prisons and labor camps in China because they exposed the persecution.
Mr. Liao and some other practitioners were arrested for the second time because they exposed the facts about the persecution. We don't know what they have endured, but we do know what they said against Dafa is not from their hearts because their personal freedom was severely violated and their lives were at risk. The Jiang group is now forcing the victims to "testify to the innocence" of the criminals, and they claim the Chinese prisons and labor camps resemble vacation villas, as they provide the inmates with new coats, birthday cakes and scholarship money, while in fact horrific tortures take place in these facilities all the time. These lies are revealing the shamelessness of Jiang group.
The Jiang group claims that accusations against its brutality are "slander and libel," while a mountain of evidence that has been delivered to foreign countries indicate that the persecution of Falun Gong is a huge crime against humanity. Jiang Zemin and his main accomplices responsible for the persecution are now facing 47 lawsuits in 28 countries around the world. They are being charged with torture, crimes against humanity, and genocide, among other things. The Party is attempting to use diplomatic, political and financial means to evade lawsuits. According to recent news, major progress was made on several lawsuits. A French court recently ordered an investigation to be conducted on Li Lanqing, the head of the 610 Office, on charges of torture. On December 8, 2004, the United States District Court of the Northern District of California issued a default judgment against Liu Qi, the Mayor of Beijing.
After the CCTV report, other official media such as Xinhua Net again tried to instigate hatred using terms such as "stability," "right now is a great period in history" and "good quality of life" to encourage people to think that Falun Gong practitioners are trying to stir up trouble. Just as it is stated in the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, (1) "No scoundrel in history has lied so insidiously, so completely and as pervasively as Jiang Zemin and the CCP. They use various lies, each targeting and manipulating different notions and ideas that people hold. This way, people can more easily believe the CCP's lies, and the Party can incite hatred toward Falun Gong. Do you believe in science? The CCP says that Falun Gong is superstitious. Do you find politics distasteful? The CCP says that Falun Gong engages in politics. Do you envy the rich? The CCP says that Falun Gong gathers wealth. Do you object to organizations? The CCP says that Falun Gong has a tight organization. Are you tired of the cult of personality that lasted in China for several decades? The CCP says that Falun Gong exercises mental control. Are you patriotic? The CCP says Falun Gong is anti-China. Are you afraid of chaos? The CCP says Falun Gong disrupts stability. Do you believe that Falun Gong upholds Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance? The CCP says Falun Gong is not truthful, compassionate, or tolerant, and that compassion can generate the desire to kill. Do you trust that the government would not make up such lies? The CCP makes up lies that are bigger and more shocking, from suicides to self-immolation, from killing relatives to murdering others, from killing one to slaughtering many--so many lies that you find it hard not to believe them."
This cruel persecution has lasted five years and hundreds of millions of people have suffered. More than 1,100 Falun Gong practitioners have been tortured to death. How can the "one voice" of the Jiang group's mouthpiece media cover up facts written with the suffering of so many innocent people?
(1) http://english.epochtimes.com/category.asp?topicid=92&pagenum=1
Category: Perspective