(Clearwisdom.net) Recently, the Chinese Communist Party's newspaper, The People's Daily, fabricated yet another story, as follows: "The Liao Yuanhua Case -- A few stubborn Falun Gong adherents, cooperating with the overseas anti-Chinese movement, tried very hard to send photos of the torture equipment they endured inside Chinese Communist jails to the Falun Gong website Minghui.net. Chinese detectives discovered this activity, and those involved admitted that they had committed this crime. Under the re-education of the police department, they realized that they were deceived by Falun Gong and appeared in the media to tell the people not to listen to Falun Gong propaganda."
One of the practitioners mentioned in the story, Liao Yuanhua, a former government inspection official, was thrown into a labor camp and severely tortured for steadfastly believing in "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance" and for upholding a citizen's basic human rights.
In the article above, the writer inadvertently exposes the fact that the Communist officials tried to cover up their crimes, when he states that the practitioners "tried very hard to send photos of the torture equipment they endured inside Chinese Communist jails to the Falun Gong website Minghui.net." The article does not deny the fact that Falun Gong practitioners were tortured, and goes on to say that "detectives discovered this activity, and those involved admitted that they had committed this crime." According to the Chinese Constitution, it is illegal for police to torture people detained in jail. Torture by police is also against the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was signed by the Chinese government.
The Chinese Constitution also states that citizens have freedom of speech, and can speak out and appeal when they encounter injustice. It is therefore illegal for the police to stop Falun Gong practitioners from exposing the unjust tortures they received at the hands of the authorities.
The story does not question the authenticity of the photos of the torture equipment, and doesn't deny that the practitioner was tortured, yet somehow the author feels quite proud to relate that the "crime" of sending these photos overseas was solved by the police, and that through "re-education," the practitioners are now saying negative things about Falun Gong. Regarding any statements made by the practitioners while in police custody, one cannot help but wonder if those very same torture devices shown in the photos were used in their "re-education."
Ever since Jiang's inhumane persecution began, Falun Gong books have been burned, the practice slandered, stories fabricated in the press, and practitioners have been incarcerated, tortured, and even killed. The authorities have never given Falun Gong practitioners a chance to tell their side of the story. Still, for the past five years, practitioners have used every means at their disposal to help people realize the truth, expose this cruel persecution, and stop the killing. The countless stories of practitioners in China protecting their belief in "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance" under such immense pressure and vicious persecution show how exceptional and admirable these practitioners are.
In order to describe Falun Gong practitioners as "stubborn adherents," the reporters for the People's Daily are forced to reveal that practitioners continue in their belief despite the terror of the cruel persecution they are subjected to, and that practitioners put their lives in danger to reveal the truth to the people.
Perhaps these reporters themselves don't understand why Falun Gong practitioners risk their lives to clarify the truth instead of staying home and practicing in secret.
Actually, the reason practitioners are standing up against the persecution is due to their kindheartedness. They already know Falun Gong is good, so there's no need for them to debate it with anyone. It's those who don't know the truth about Falun Gong, however, who will lose the most valuable opportunity of their lives because of the severe slander and cruel attacks by the government-controlled media.
Many Chinese people living abroad, who have learned the truth of Falun Gong and the persecution, admire the sacrifices that Falun Gong practitioners are making in order to clarify the truth, and they say that these actions make them clearly see the goodness of practitioners.
December 31, 2004
Category: Perspective