I would like to share this conversation that I had with the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP's) special agent in Australia, with everyone in order to reveal the CCP's lies and deceitful nature. I would also like to urge those of you who are still working for the CCP and who spread slanderous falsehoods about Falun Gong, to stop obeying the CCP before it is too late. Withdraw from the CCP at once and live with a clear conscience!
- the authorIn mid-February 2005, I had a business meeting with four Chinese men. They immediately noticed the Epoch Times' Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party pamphlets, and the Australian Epoch Times. Three of them read the Epoch Times and one of them even began to read in a whispering tone the news of Teacher's statement, "Founder of Falun Gong Withdraws from Communist Youth League." They were very alert and tense. They told me that three of them had just arrived in Australia and that this was the first time they had read the Epoch Times. The fourth man was a local Australian resident from China. He was helping the three men with some personal business.
The local man pointed at the pamphlets of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and announced, "They contain nothing but lies. Cannibalism was not practiced in China at any time [due to severe famines]." I replied, "This is an indisputable fact. During the Great Cultural Revolution, China suffered a severe famine and people in Guangxi practiced cannibalism to survive. The central government of China has investigated and confirmed that cannibalism was practiced in China during the Cultural Revolution. When Hu Yaobang redressed the false accusations and injustices after the Great Cultural Revolution, he was distraught when he read about the cannibalism that had occurred throughout China. His knowledge of the terrible miseries that the Chinese people had suffered drove him to bring justice to those who had suffered during the Great Cultural Revolution. It was recorded that cannibalism not only occurred in Guangxi Province, but also in Anhui and Hunan, as well as other provinces. This information has been officially documented as a record to the historical past. I can show the documentation to you during your next visit."
Then the man said, "Every year, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) allots a multi-million dollar fund to Falun Gong." I responded, "This is a ridiculous lie. In the U.S., all budgets are approved by the House of Representatives and the Senate after extensive meetings and debates. Even the funding of the most top-secret scientific research has to be approved by the House and the Senate after open debates. Unlike the CCP's secretive politics, U.S. politics are highly transparent to its people and to the world. It is because the American people, as taxpayers, have the right to know how their government spends their money. How can an American government agency such as the CIA, allocate funds for Falun Gong without the approval of the House and the Senate? This is a most ridiculous lie!""
The man did not concede, but continued with his accusations, "In 1997, I bought a Falun Gong exercise instruction videotape for $37 and smuggled it back to China. The quality of the videotape was terrible and the price was highly unreasonable." I told him, "I find your story unbelievable! The price of the Falun Gong exercise instruction videotape is US$12. No genuine Falun Gong practitioner would charge you for a handling or service fee, if you indeed bought it from a Falun Gong practitioner. If you bought the videotape from a bookstore, it is impossible for the bookstore to sell you the videotape for $37 because the publishers determine the prices. Falun Gong's publisher, Yi Chyun Bookstore, only charges for the videotape at cost. Besides, it was not until July 20, 1999 that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began to persecute Falun Gong. I find it rather unbelievable that you would have to smuggle it back to China at that time! After the CCP began to persecute Falun Gong, all of Falun Gong's books, videos and music became available on the Internet. Anyone can download all this information free of charge. If you truly purchased the videotape as you claimed, please bring the videotape and the receipt to me next time. I will be happy to give you a full refund!"
The man said, "Hmm...well...I probably have lost the videotape. Let's change the subject. Falun Gong's practitioners are paid $45 AUD (Australian dollars) (US$ 34.78) a day, every time they appeal outside Australia's Chinese Embassy. My younger sister often joins the appeal in front of the Chinese Embassy. Each time, she is paid $45 AUD."
I then realized that he was not just repeating the CCP's lies. Since he mentioned his "younger sister," it was a clear indication that he was one of the CCP's special agents, trained to spread devious lies about Falun Gong. Saying that he has a young sister who gets paid for appealing for Falun Gong makes his lie more convincing. I told him solemnly, "The CCP is absolutely shameless to create such a lie! When two of my friends went to the Chinese Embassy to apply for a visa, the staff at the Embassy told them the exact same lie, about the 'younger sister.' My two friends decided to testify that the Chinese Embassy staff spreads lies to tarnish the good name of Falun Gong. We will file a lawsuit against the Chinese Embassy immediately. Many of my new clients asked me about the lie you just told me. Falun Gong practitioners have braved adverse weather during their peaceful appeals for Falun Gong, all voluntarily. None of us has taken a cent from anyone. We are willing to endure adverse weather conditions because many of our relatives are suffering from the cruel persecution. Furthermore, as of today, over a thousand practitioners have died from the persecution in China. According to incomplete statistics, at least 100 thousand people have been illegally sentenced to prison terms or forced labor camps. More Falun Gong practitioners have suffered under cruel and inhuman physical and mental torture. We Falun Gong practitioners outside of China are only trying to appeal for an end to the persecution by clarifying the truth about Falun Gong and the persecution against Falun Gong. We are doing this completely from our hearts. We print the truth-clarification materials at our own expense and travel worldwide to support Falun Gong and our fellow practitioners, at our own expense. Cultivation means that one lets go of all worldly attachments, including the attachment to money and personal interest. What is money to a cultivator? How could we possibly want to rescue our fellow practitioners for money! The CCP created the malicious lie that each Falun Gong practitioner gets 8 AUD (US$ 6.18) an hour each time he or she appeals in front of the Chinese Embassy. Why don't you try to earn the money if such an offer exists? Why don't you try to appeal in front of the Chinese Embassy for hours each day under the scorching summer sun, and in sub-zero winter temperatures? Would you really be willing to endure the hardship for 8 AUD an hour? It is very easy to find jobs these days. You can easily find a job doing dishes at a restaurant for 7 to 8 AUD an hour, including two free meals. May I ask the name of your 'younger sister'? I know every single Falun Gong practitioner who appeals in front of the Chinese Embassy every day."
The special agent knew I had blown his cover, so he became fierce and showed his real face.
He said, "The CCP is too soft on Falun Gong. If I were Jiang Zemin, I would kill all Falun Gong practitioners and all of their relatives with a gun!"
I exclaimed, "What a terrible thought! You have only killing in your head! While the rest of mankind has become highly civilized, the CCP still resorts to killing, spreading lies and creating terror to sustain its rule. There is not an ounce of humanity in the CCP. The CCP may have signed two human rights treaties, but it did so to deceive the world's governments and its people. The truth is that under the CCP's rule, China's human rights condition has not improved. On the contrary, human rights conditions have severely deteriorated in China. You have to understand that a man without any humanity is not different from a beast. That is why an inhuman political party such as the CPP knows nothing except killing. Since the CCP seized power in China in 1949, more than 80 million people have been killed. This far exceeds the combined number of deaths during WWI and WWII."
The special agent said, "If Mao Zedong hadn't killed millions of Chinese, many civil wars would have broken out. Tibet wants its independence. Xinjiang Province wants its independence. Inner Mongolia wants its independence. There would have never been any peace in China."
I explained, "But those 80 million Chinese people did not die during civil wars. They died after 1949 when China was at peace. Since the Qing Dynasty, Tibet no longer belonged to China. The only interaction between China and Tibet was an annual friendly visit to each other. The CCP ruined the harmony that existed, and invaded Tibet. The Dalai Lama made a public statement many years ago that Tibet wanted nothing but its autonomy. Because of the CCP, Tibet's religion and culture are facing annihilation. But the CCP did not grant Tibet's request for autonomy. People in Xinjiang and Inner Monogolia are brave and kind, and they have never asked for independence. It is the CCP that created conflicts between people of different ethnicities and different religions. They labeled their peaceful activities as terrorism to justify the massacre of people in Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia. Moreover, the CCP has given Outer Mongolia to the former Soviet Union in order to thank them for helping establish the CCP. It was the CCP that divided China and created conflicts in China. Each political movement bears greater evidence of the CCP's crimes. The CCP is the only traitor to China."
The special agent asked, "How can you say the CCP is a traitor to China?"
I said, "A traitor is one who supports invaders, harms his of her own country and persecutes the citizens of the country. The CCP first helped the former Soviet Union to divide up China, and then it collaborated with Japan during the civil war to make war against the Nationalist Party. Next, they were the instigators that turned people against the ruling Nationalist Party government. And why? To gain power and recruit members. After Japan was defeated in World War II, the former Soviet Union provided the CCP with weapons so it could gain power. After the CCP came to power, its traitorous character did not change. The CCP continued to sell the country's resources and persecuted its own people. During the war between China and India, Chinese soldiers sacrificed their lives for the disputed 90 thousand square kilometers of land, yet the CCP gave it back to India. The CCP sold at least 30 islands to surrounding countries to bribe these countries' leaders. Why? To hide their horrendous human rights record. Another case in point, during the Qing Dynasty, nine inequitable agreements were signed. Jiang Zemin recognized all of them, and sold land equal to 32 times the size of Taiwan to Russia. Hu Jintao further sold half of Heixiazi Island to Russia. Actions like these, selling the country's resources and cruelly killing the citizens of China are actions of traitors. Am I not right?"
The special agent said, "I don't want to listen to you talking about humanity or human rights. Feudalism has prevailed in China for thousands of years. Therefore, human rights had never been practiced in China. It was only after the CCP overthrew the Kuomingtang that the Chinese people were released from feudalism and China's international status rose quickly."
I said, "Although China went through over 2,000 years of feudalism, people during each dynasty believed in God and emphasized virtue, and thus lived good lives. Even emperors received punishment for their crimes under the existing law. The CCP claimed that it overthrew the "Three big mountains" (Feudalism, Imperialism, and Bureaucratic Capitalism), which subjugated the Chinese people, and thus freed them. I think that in reality it is quite the opposite. At the time of the Xinhai Revolution, there were over 500 newspapers that had no affiliation with the government. There were over 30 registered parties. There was a congress, and a democratic government was forming. The CCP, instead of progressing, regressed more than 100 years and is practicing a dictatorship. After 1949, China joined the United Nations because the Nationalist Party had laid the foundation. It earned the respect of the rest of the world. Now the human rights situation in China is at its worst. Courts are in stasis. Laws have become the CCP's tool to persecute people. The media is controlled by the CCP and the people cannot hear the truth. There is no freedom of belief. Over 20 million people are unemployed, and over 200 million farmers are illiterate and live in poverty. Over 500 million farmers cannot afford to see a doctor and buy medication. Chinese prisons detain many people because they stand up for what they believe to be right. The Constitution is merely there to deceive people. The CCP itself is the three mountains on people's backs: lies, terror, and violence. I can provide you with material in support of all I have told you. You cannot spread rumors like this any more. Good is rewarded with and good, and evil will meet with retribution. This is the heavenly principle."
The special agent said, "There is no god. I have never believed in God."
I told him, "Who created your body? Each organ in a human body is a perfectly designed masterpiece. No scientist is capable of creating a human organ or even a cell. A friend of mine is a scientist who studies mechanical rotary devices. He said, compared to other moving devices, it is most difficult to produce a mechanical rotary device. He is even more impressed with the complexity and the perfection of the human bone structure. He once commented that only a god is capable of creating a human body. Wouldn't you agree? All creatures on earth are created by God."
The special agent said, "I don't want to talk to you any more. We have other businesses to attend to. We must leave."
Category: Perspective