


Male: Age 15-25, Height 1.75-1.83 meters


Female: Age 15-20, Height 1.64-1.68 meters


Age requirement can be relaxed if the candidate meets other requirements well.


Applications will be accepted immediately. Applicants must be Falun Dafa practitioners or their family members (potential Falun Dafa practitioners).


Please send the following information and materials via email: name, age, height, weight, city, country, contact information, and pictures. Pictures should include front, side, and back standing views and applicants in tights doing a split and back-bend. To get an accurate view of the applicant, the photographer will need to squat down to take these pictures. All application materials must be submitted in one email. Each picture should be 100k or less in size. Email size should be 1MB or less. Applicants who pass the first screening will usually receive information about interviews in two weeks. Due to the large number of expected applications, the school will not be able to reply to those who don't pass the application screening.


Contact phone: 646-761-6064


E-mail: dance@minghui.org


Fei Tian Dance School


January 9, 2008


Updated January 15, 2008 and February 12, 2008