Name: Shen Yueqian (沈越千)
Gender: Female
Age: 41
Address: Beijing
Occupation: Business owner
Date of Most Recent Arrest: November 17, 2011
Most Recent Place of Detention: Beijing Women's Forced Labor Camp (北京女子劳教所)
City: Beijing
Persecution Suffered: Home ransacked, detention, forced labor, physical abuse and mistreatment
( Ms. Shen Yueqian, a Falun Gong practitioner from Beijing, was helping her eight-year-old daughter with her homework when a group of police officers broke in to her home and arrested her. After more than one month of illegal detention, her family learned that she has been sentenced to two years of forced labor.
Ms. Shen's family requested to visit her numerous times, but they were rejected. They finally received a notice for visitation from the Beijing Women's Forced Labor Camp, and on January 16, Ms. Shen's husband, father and daughter met with her. By that time she had been detained for two months in the Beijing Women's Forced Labor Camp in Daxing County.

Ms. Shen looked pale and thin. Her family learned that she was forced to sit motionless for more than ten hours daily, a torture method that the camp guards used to cause her to undergo physical and mental torment.
Shen Yueqian owns and operates a golfing merchandise company in Beijing. In 2004, after she read Zhuan Falun, she was deeply drawn by the principles expounded in the book, and decided to practice Falun Dafa. Dafa not only gave her a new outlook on life, but also sound health, good moral character and a serene, peaceful mind. She follows the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance in her daily life and work, and treats others with tolerance and kindness. Her employees and customers alike hold her in high regard.
After dinner on November 17, 2011, Ms. Shen was helping her eight-year-old daughter as she did her homework, when five officers from the Chaoyang Domestic Security Division and the Asia Games Village Police Station broke in and took her away. The police proceeded to harass and interrogate Ms. Shen's mother, who is in her 70s, and her younger sister until midnight. Afterward, Domestic Security Division head Ye and others conducted another round of home ransacking. They took several DVDs, Ms. Shen's notebook computer, a calendar with Falun Gong messages hung in the kitchen, and decorative pendants hung on the dresser mirror. Her family members were frightened and hurt, her daughter couldn't sleep all night, and her sister's two-month-old baby kept crying.
On the morning of November 18, Ms. Shen's family learned that she had been taken to the Chaoyang District Detention Center. On December 27, her husband received a phone call from the Beijing Women's Forced Labor Camp and learned that Ms. Shen had been sentenced to two years of forced labor. However, her family hasn't received written notice of her forced labor sentence.
Since Ms. Shen was arrested, her daughter has been deprived of her mother's care. Her elderly parents-in-law have been sick and bed-ridden after learning about her arrest. Her company is in a paralyzed state, as employees, customers and business contracts are in a holding pattern, which will bring major financial losses to the company and her employees.
Ms. Shen Yueqian is currently being held in Division No. 4 of the Beijing Women's Forced Labor Camp.
Division No. 4 of Beijing Women's Forced Labor Camp:
+86-10-60278899 ext. 5819 (Custodial Office); Fax: +86-10-60279648