Falun Dafa Books:

Human Rights Day, December 10 each year, is an opportunity to focus attention on severe human rights violations around the world. Falun Gong practitioners staged news conferences and peaceful protests on and around this date in numerous countries, in ongoing efforts to end the brutal persecution in China, including the regime's forced organ harvesting of prisoners of conscience.

An account of the appalling treatment of an elderly, law-abiding citizen by police in Chengdu City.

                    Image for article Ms. Jian Chengrong, in Her 70s, Arrested and Tortured 

The holiday season is a wonderful opportunity for practitioners to share Dafa with the local community

                    Image for article Falun Gong Practitioners Bring Diversity to Christmas Parade in Richmond, Virginia

Some North American practitioners share their insights gained while forming a large image at the Taiwan Experience Sharing Conference.

                    Image for article Enlightening to Cooperating at High Levels During the Recent Image Formation Event in Taiwan

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