Falun Dafa Books:

How does a person become a Falun Gong practitioner? Everyone's story is unique, but the seeds are often planted in our youth. Our parents, schooling, career, and circle of friends may be more than just coincidental. One man, who was urged to give the practice a try by the owner of his favorite restaurant, came to understand his mother's wise teachings and visions from his childhood.

A practitioner's family is becoming increasingly worried as his health deteriorates in prison and the authorities refuse to release him on medical parole.

                    Image for article Mr. Mo Zhikui in Dire Situation, Family Denied Visitation Rights for the Ninth Time

The persecution continues in Macheng City, with various law enforcement agencies colluding to illegally arrest and detain Falun Gong practitioners.

                    Image for article Macheng, Hubei Province: Five Practitioners Arrested Within One Week

During a successful signature drive in Bavaria, people from all walks of life supported practitioners' efforts to bring an end to the CCP's forced organ harvesting atrocities.

                    Image for article Bayreuth, Germany: Signature Drive Rallies Support to End Organ Harvesting Crimes in China (Photos)

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