(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners from the small town of Clarkston, in eastern Washington state, have participated in the town's street fair for several years. The fair is held on one evening in each of the summer months, and this August was no different.
The practitioners bring half-folded paper lotus flowers so that visitors to their table can finish folding the flowers. This gives the practitioners time to meet and talk with them, tell them about Falun Dafa and the persecution of the meditation practice in China, and give them a literature packet. Many children come to the booth to learn, with help from their parents.
Many visitors who have come in previous years dropped by again to say hello, to tell the practitioners that they still have their lotus flowers from past years, or to ask if they can make another for a family member. The receive new literature, and sometimes extras for their family and friends.
A couple learns to fold a paper lotus flower at the Falun Dafa booth at a small town street fair in eastern Washington State.
This month, signatures were collected on a petition focusing directly on Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to the U.S. in September, and H.Res.343, requesting that President Obama firmly request Secretary Xi to halt the harvesting of organs from prisoners of conscience and bring the perpetrators to justice.
Visitors to the booth enthusiastically signed the petition. One woman didn't even wait for the practitioner to finish explaining; as soon as organ harvesting was mentioned, she said, "You bet I'll sign it!"
A Native American man asked for further explanation about the persecution in China and gladly signed the petition. When his daughter had finished her paper lotus flower and was ready to leave, he shook the practitioner's hand and said some words in his native language.
Category: Parades & Other Community Events